Chapter twenty three

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'Look over these for me, I'll be back in two hours max. Highlight glitches, any scenes that you aren't comfortable with. I'll look over the ones you certified okay,

'Yes sir', another all nighter. This was becoming their routine. Staying back and mostly all the night to edit scenes.

Setting herself to the task, she began doing what they asked of her.

At the two hour mark a call from Billy's wife let her know that she was on her own tonight.

She put the ones she deemed fine in a separate file and continued to pick through the ones that she felt had some issues.

After what felt like hours she felt a hand on her shoulder causing her to jerk up with force, nearly throwing off her headphones.


'Gosh you're jumpy', Jeffrey's voice broke through the adrenaline rush.

'A gun would have been a more direct method of murdering me!', she all but hissed at him,

'I'm sorry, forgot how one could get so caught up in the work and forget about everything else. Billy sent me to come help as the missus was not having him come back here',

'Yea we already spoke. I'm done with these', she did a quick show of the folders and explained how she grouped them.

'Alright, how many hours do you still have in you?', a quick glance at her wrist watch showed few minutes past midnight.

'Don't know, let's see what three hours looks like',

'Three hours it is'.

By the time they were done the sun was starting to make an appearance. The power nap Symphony started to take five minutes ago turned out to be a bad idea.

She could barely stand, her thoughts centred on her finding a bed.

Good thing Duncan left her with one of his drivers.

'Try to keep your eyes open long enough to locate your bed ma'am', the driver said as she stumbled into her apartment without a word to him.

All she recalled before sleep claimed her was the softness of her bed.

She was sweating, feeling very uncomfortable. Opening her eyes she saw why, she was sleeping directly under the rays of the summer sun.

It's was 2pm by her clock, and she felt a tad bit tired. She located her phone and saw a message asking her to have the day off and report first thing the next morning.

Talk about little miracles.

She turned to the other side of the bed, hit the remote and the curtains were drawn. Then she put on her air-conditioning before allowing sleep embrace her once again.


'One all night and I had to have about eighteen hours sleep to catch up! Like! What a mess!', she rambled on to Sandra who had become her confidant and kinda bestfriend.

'I understand, but the big guys didn't give you grief or anything right',

'No, Jeffrey was surprised I pulled out everything wrong at my first try. He said I'll make a good producer and director one day. Let me switch to video, I don't how I feel about this dress combo', she quickly did and showed Sandra

'I feel it's too busy but I don't know which to ditch. The jacket or the pants',

'Why don't you change the top to a tank and let's see it', Sandra said and she did just that.

'Now remove the jacket, the pants.. no they won't work together. Pick something plainer for a jacket, or try out that beige coat you got last week!',

'Way ahead of you',

'Perfect! Now tell me why we're playing dress up',

'Oh there's a conference coming up at church. I'm being recruited to join the ushers',

'I thought you were under venue management?', she scrunched her nose in a way that Symphony found utterly adorable.

'Yes, but they needed more hands',

'Don't they have a uniform?',

'Don't like it, already told them I wasn't wearing it',

'Okay, but can I see it?',

Symphony put on the uniform given to her and Sandra cringed.

'Oh I totally see it, but we can fix it up instead of just chucking it. Some church tailors need beating. Have your seamstress work on the shirt, I kinda love the midi skirt though',

'That's the only thing I like here. The shirt is a heck no',

'Well either ways, have fun at the conference and do take sweet pictures',

'Will do kiddo, thank you',

'Anytime bestie, and speaking of which bestie. Care to do your bestie a solid?',

'What did you do?',

'Not a thing, I want that beige jacket! I can already see myself wearing it to places!!!', she said in a singsong voice

'I'll think about it',

'Noooooo, say yes',


'You're a mean one, but I still love you cause you'll change your mind and gift it to me. Bye bestie!!!', Sandra ended the call making Symphony chuckle.

On second thought, the shirt wasn't totally a lost case. All it needed was a little touch and all would be well with it.

Turning it from side to side she called her tailor who when she showed up was given the shirt with one instruction, fix it.

She pulled her bible and journal from it's designated position in the bible and got caught up in the book of judges.

Reading about the prophetess Deborah and how she lead the Israelites to victory.

A chime from her phone got her attention, she was going to be late for the midweek service if she didn't move immediately.

Again, she mused as she checked her wardrobe. Maybe she'd just shove it and wear something casual in her books.

A beautiful dress caught her attention, she quickly pulled it down. Took her black pumps from her shoe rack and didn't waste time to change and move to her.

It was time for fellowship.



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