Chapter fifteen

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'To think Python  marked you as successor. Poor thing must be heart broken, tsk tsk', the Maestro did another perusal of her person.

'What a pity',

The last thing Symphony remembered was being thrown across the room.


Seeing him always did things to her. Most days she couldn't believe he was hers, or almost hers anyway. She'd dressed for seduction for their date.

Of course he wouldn't be able to tell until much later, she smirked at her thoughts.

The door bell went off, she grabbed her purse and jacket before opening the door to a smiling Duncan.


'Hey you, you look gorgeous', he placed a kiss on her cheek.

'Thank you, are we good to go?',

'Definitely', he waited for her to secure her house before leading her to his car.

'Uuhhh me likey!', he laughed as he helped her in.

'Me too', the seconds it took him to round the vehicle was enough for her to raise her slit higher and pull the neck lower. He won't know what hit him.

Woah! She was enough distraction for one man without the dress added. Heck she looked gorgeous. And ready.

But chastity till marriage was high on the list. He'd bent it too close for his comfort ever since he'd met her.

After a lovely dinner she was driven home. As neither were tired they went up to continue hanging out.

Symphony discarded her jacket and her shoes. Tied her hair into a messy bun and returned with a bottle of wine. She screamed come get me.

'So I've saved this for a special occasion and even though we're not necessarily celebrating anything I think we should drink this',

'Okay', he took the bottle, read the alcohol concentration and figured a few glasses wouldn't hurt.

Soon enough they were laughing like loons, Symphony more than him but he figured she was drunk as she matched him two for one while drinking.

'But you didn't fire him right? What really happened?',

There was one of the reasons she was in love with this guy. He always wanted the full story before taking sides or making decisions.

Did she just admit that she was in love with him?!

'Hey, you okay?, You suddenly went quiet', he asked looking at her.

All she could do was nod as she turned away from him.

'Hey, what happened? Look at me', he went to her.

When he was within reach she took his face in her hand and kissed him, hard.

She wanted him so bad, and apparently he wanted her as well from the way he responded to the kiss.

Her hands began exploring under his shirt, loving the feel of his body. He did the same, the difference being that she still had her dress on.

That could be easily rectified.

Reaching behind her she caught her zipper and pulled it down. She pulled off his shirt with no objections from him and she was soon rewarded with the feeling of his skin on hers.

Someone moaned she didn't know who, she'd lost all sense of thoughts as his hands roamed her torso.

She felt it when he withdrew.

His hands were still on her but she knew he wasn't going to go any further.

'This isn't right baby', he was breathing hard above her. Obviously aroused and he wanted them to stop?.

Oh she was tempted to spell him into completing what they had started.

The first few minutes were spent trying to catch their breathe. But he still hasn't let her go, and she wasn't complaining.

'I won't apologize as we both wanted this very much, but I made a promise to God which I've twisted to a very brittle extent. At the right time we'll do this', all this he said while maintaining eye contact with her.

She oddly felt better, treasured even.

'I want this, I want you but I want to do it all the right way', all she could do was nod.

He let up a bit for her to go and get changed. He too needed more time to get his thoughts together. That was too close.

She returned dressed in a mid thigh shorts and a baggie shirt to find him dressed in his shirt. His jacket was draped over his arm as he looked out the window.

'I thought you would already be gone', she said to him. He turned to look at her.

'No baby, this took two of us. I couldn't leave without making sure you were okay',

'I'm okay',

'Come here', he pulled her into a hug that she didn't know she needed.

'I'm sorry',

'Its okay. We'll get there when we are meant to',

After settling her in for bed he took his leave to go home.

She woke up feeling euphoric.

She loved him!!!

It out a spring in her steps as she went in to work at 6am in the morning.

She'd barely settled when she saw Honey come into her office.

'Someone's feeling brave', she taunted as Honey glared at her.

Even with her missing the ascension she could beat her hands down in a matter of minutes and she won't break a sweat, and she'd definitely enjoy it.

'Oh yeah I'm pumped',

With a flick of her hand she snapped her head clean off her shoulder, she actually didn't have time for nonsense after all.


Hysterical laughter got her attention as she struggled with the darkness enveloping her.

Honey was laughing like a loon as she watched Symphony try to break out of her influence.

This was too good, she'd never had any chance of causing her real harm until now that is. She beamed with pride that she could now enter her head.

She didn't get why the mistress was bent on causing her pain and neither did she care. She was enjoying this too much.

So she was indeed in love, so sad.

'Laugh any louder and you'll wake her up. Then she'd harm you' the Mistress continued making the talisman she was working on.

'Oh I'm not worried, I'm about to get even', she slammed her hands at Symphony's chest when she tried to get her bearings about her sending her into another influence.

This time she'd whoop her good, first round went to her. Now it was time to play.

She cackled as she launched into a series of blows and kicks on her unconscious body which she would definitely feel and see under the influence.

Feeling serious pain, she stumbled into a labyrinth to get some reprieve from Honey. She'd be back, but she needed to breathe first.

She didn't take up to five steps before she knew she was royally f****d.



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