Chapter Ten

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One call, a random text had turned into a lovely routine that she was totally enjoying.

At the very least, she heard fr him twice a day. He was a great guy, and she told herself she wasn't lying when she said she liked him a lot.

Twirling in her seat she reminisced the conversation between Janice's twit and the girl at the July picnic.

Apparently she had sex with the girl's brother in the school gym and was caught swapping saliva with one of the cheerleaders in the female locker room.

She was being told the consequences of such actions in a Christian school which was definitely an expulsion, and also being advised to go for counseling and some prayers. Girl told her to shove it.

But Sabrina, as she'd done with her past hosts or people under her influence was a perversion. The girl was in for a life of petvesities, homosexuality was the least of her problems.

She'd once been under the influence of Sabrina, falling into bed with some girls in her teenage years. But she'd freed herself from the influence, it got boring.

Her phone dinged with a message, she read the text from Duncan asking to meet up after the Midweek service.

She was tired of the stress being in church caused her. She was always rattled at her core but a little discomfort was never anything compared to the satisfaction she got after every job well done.

She loved spending time with him, and was not going to give him up to the coven. To think they'd yet to even kiss. All the guys and girls she'd been with had always been eager to have their tongues down her throat.

Sending a response she dressed appropriately for service and opened her door to see Honey about to knock.

Not bothering to say anything to her she walked out of the club to her car.

'Would you hold on a minute!', Honey said impatiently trying to catch up with her

'No', she opened her car and laid her laundry in the back seat.

'Look, we hate each other. I get it, but I need his name',

She still onto that? Slow much?

'What are you willing to lose for the name? Except your life cause that's mine to take anyway', she turned and walked through her knowing it'd cause her pain.

Honey gritted her teeth in pain before answering, 'What do you want?',

'Except your heart on a platter? Let me think.... Seeing as it's just a name, I want you to make me a dream walker. Impenetrable by anyone, even you',

'But you can do that yourself',

She gave her a smirk before completing her terms,' under the full moon,in the court of tears. And I want it done at the stroke of midnight'

Honey's jaw was hanging open. This would either kill her, injure her badly or at the least render her useless and in severe pains for two weeks straight.


'An oath to seal our deal won't be too much to ask for right?',

Honey screamed as her astral projection slammed back into her. Her screams of pain escalated as the oath bond was forced on her.

Symphony threw her head back in the parking lot and laughed very hard. It was always fun messing with Honey.

Especially since she went out of her way to frustrate all her efforts in getting to Darius.

Or should she say Duncan.

Of all the people of her set of witches she was the first to harness the coven powers without being taught. Natural instincts they had called it.

So naturally no one wanted to mess with her, well except Honey and Penny with Penny paying with her life.

Settling in her car she checked her appearance one more time before zooming off to her appointment.


At the stroke of midnight Symphony walked into the court of tears, rightly named so as Honey was currently in severe pains with tears flowing freely from her eyes.

Symphony could care less, she too had had her fair share of the court of tears.

The court of tears was a serious power source in the coven, but the seeker paid in blood, pain and tears.

Walking to where Honey was sprawled out in pain, she took the dream walker from her hand and walked away.

Muttering a replicating spell she made another to be kept in her room and the original to be given to Duncan.

What she actually needed was for Duncan to at least touch it, or take it into his home and keep it long enough to complete her binding spell between the two objects. She needed to be able to astral project into his home without having episodes like Honey.

And she'd insisted it be impenetrable so Honey couldn't use it either.

This was hers and hers alone.

She pulled into Duncan's driveway in the morning to deliver her 'gift' personally.

Dressed smartly in a pencil skirt and blazer with an inner, and a pair of stilettos she walked to the front door and rang the bell from where she was directed to find him at the back.

'Hey, good morning',

'Hello, to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence this fine morning? You look beautiful', Duncan said after looking at her.

'Thank you', She smiled at the compliment.

'Well I came to drop this off, been working on it for a while and I figured I should give it to you', she placed the wrapped dream walker in his hands. She expected to feel a hum from it once he touched it but she felt nothing.

'Thanks, but this looks too much like something from voodoo for my peace of mind. But thanks, I'll keep it somewhere though',

She gave a light laugh, careful to hide her annoyance.

'Well it isn't as I made it myself from synthetic wings and the ring there is just nickel wire. The grey components reminded me of your eyes so...',

'Wow, thank you. Give me a minute', he walked towards the kitchen were he laid it on the table where he could see it.

'I have to get going so I'm not late for work',

'Yea, see you later'

'Bye!',she gave a small wave and walked away to her car. Muttering the activation spell.

As soon as she left he went back to the kitchen and took the 'dream catcher', as she called it back out to his workshop.

He would deal with it later.

Just because it's Christmas ❤️

Enjoy 😊



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God bless you 💞💞

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