Chapter 7: Sun and Rain

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"Ah yes, all in a day's work for the NYU's matchmaker." I say proudly as I approached Olette. "Tell me, do I know romance or what?"

"What." she answered with narrowed eyes.

"I said... Do I know romance or..."

"I heard you the first time, Harv." she sighs, then she went to return misplaces books back to their respective shelves.

I laughed, used to the cold attitude she's giving me. She's been that way for as long as I've known her... which, isn't that long admittedly. Just two years ago. I'm convinced that she's really not that cold of a person... it's just a defense mechanism. The one mystery I still can't solve is... what is she so defensive about?

"You really shouldn't be sticking your nose to other people's business, you know." she scolded.

I shrugged carelessly, "Well, you know how Luke is. He's not really an expert in..."

"Dating." she finished sternly, "Yeah, I KNOW. I've seen it with my own eyes, Harv."

I smirked, "Hey now, in his defense, Luke had no idea you considered it a date. I mean, how was he supposed to know at the time that you guys were out on a..."

"Don't. Just... drop it." she warned.

I held up my hands in defense, "Okay... was just saying."

She groaned, "You're such a kid. You still think this is High school?"

"No, hah, of course not."

"Then WHY do you seem to ACT that way?"

I just shrug. She rolled her eyes, "And of course that's your response to everything. A careless shrug." she said. "Why did you even bother entering Graduate School, Harv? What's your course again...?"


"Nevermind, I just realized I'm not interested." she picked up some other misplaced books and turned to me, "Well, I'm busy so if you've got no business here in the Library, I suggest you leave. Good day to you, Mr. Miller." then she left.

I sighed as she left. Mr. Miller. They're always acting way too formal around me.

Luke told me once that I always seemed to act like I was some guy still studying in High School, and now Olette says the same thing. Well, with the too-cool-for-fun attitude they keep showing, I definitely won't be anything like them.

Why are most New Yorkers like that? They act like they forgot... or that they WANT to forget that they were once kids--free to make friends, explore, ask questions when they don't know the answers, be carefree, and most of all... HAVE FUN. 

I sighed, I feel like this city contains that kind of spirit in every individual. Well, I refuse to be contained. Nosiree, not me. If it wasn't for the fact the New York is the one place where my calling actually has meaning and purpose, I'd be moving to some remote country by now, free from the pressures of a city slicker's life.

I glanced at my watch and widened my eyes. 4AM!!?

"Oh Damn it!" I yelled and sprinted away.

Speaking of my calling... I'm late for rehearsals!!!


"You're late, Harvey." my mentor in life, Bob, accused, arms crossed and all.

I panted, out of breath. "I know... I know. Sorry... It's just.. you know... uh..."

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