The call

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Panic/anxiety attack, attempted suicide

Emily's pov:

I was sitting on my bed scrolling through instagram, deleting all the memories of MJ and I. As I was about to close out the app I saw a photo of JJ and Will during their wedding with the caption
'happy two year anniversary babe'.

What the hell was I thinking did Elle and I really have a conversation last night how I was gonna go back to the states and confess my love to a married woman?!

Suddenly the room started to become smaller around me as it felt I was being deprived of my air. Usually when I would go into a panic or anxiety attack JJ would be right there with open arms....but now she's not! She's miles away living an amazing life that I have no role in! I threw my phone at the wall causing it to shatter.

I went to the safe in my closet, and opened it to grab my work gun. Just as I clicked off the safety the door opened.

"Em what was that nois- EMILY?! Wha-what are you doing put-put the gun down you don't have to do this!" Elle said

"I do...I have to..."

She took a couple steps closer to me.

"Em..give me the gun we can talk about this."

"THERES NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT! JJ is...happy with Will I'm not going back...and I never will!"

I guess she could see my finger tremble on the trigger, because she leaped trying to grab the gun away from me as I shot.
I felt a sharp pain rushing through my shoulder near my collarbone. I got shot.

"Don't worry Em stay with me ok...I'm gonna get you to the hospital and I'm gonna call Hotch." Elle said applying pressure to my wound.

I wasn't really focused on anything she was telling me all I could focus on was the pain and ringing in my ears.

JJ's pov:

It was Will and I's two year anniversary today, we were gonna throw a party at the house later tonight and the whole team would be there. Atleast that's what I thought was gonna happen today.

I walked into the same old office, through the same old doors of the BAU and got settled in my office for the day.

"Hey Hotch wants us to meet him in the conference room." Spencer said coming into my office.

I got up from my desk and headed to the 'round table room' as Garcia liked to call it.

"What's up boss man?" Garcia said in her colorful yet worried tone.

"Well Strauss was-" he was cut off by his phone.

"Agent Hotchner...uh huh...when did this happen? Okay stay there we are coming to see her. Okay thank you by Elle." He said hanging up his cell.

"Elle?!" Spencer said his head abruptly coming up from his book.

"What's wrong is she okay?" Derek asked worriedly.

"Elle is's Emily." He said. All eyes immediately going to me.

"I-Is she okay..Will she be ok what happened was she kidnapped.." I was trialing off with questions that I needed answers to.

"I don't know yet but we can talk about this Strauss matter some other time right now let's go see Emily." He said.

I gave a slight smile as I ran to my office to grab my go-bag. I didn't even bother texting Will about this, what would I even say? I was the first one on the jet, and as I sat in my seat waiting for the rest of the team I looked at old photos of Emily and I and Penelope having fun. Tears began to swim in my eyes.

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