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JJ's pov:

The last thing I remember is falling into Penelope's arms. Then everything else is just blank.

"'re you're awake...hi.." I hear a voice next to me.

"Pen?" I call out?

"Yes lovely I'm right here."

"What happened? Where's Emily?"

"Oh...well..umm Emily is still missing...and then you uhh went to go take your medicine in the bathroom,and I walked in right as you were popping 8 antidepressants..."

"Oh Pen I'm so sorry this is all my fault."

"Hey HEY stop that right now none of this is your fault JJ! I don't wanna hear it you had no idea any of this would happen. You have to stop blaming yourself."

"Thanks Garcia."

She smiled and then went back to her laptop. Just then Morgan and Spencer walked in.

"Hey JJ how ya feeling?" Spencer said.

"Fine Spence a little tired but I'll make it. Derek please tell me you have leads on finding Emily?" I said trying not to fall back asleep.

"That's actually what we came here for. Babygirl I need you to run a list of people that worked at the bar where Emily and Doyle first met when she was undercover as his lover." Hearing those words 'his lover' made me sick to my stomach. No actually it did.

"PEN BUCKET!" I said quickly pointing at a bucket next to me that she quickly threw in my lap.

Morgan and Spencer both left the room looking for a nurse. Penelope was sitting in a chair next to my bed rubbing my arm.

"I may not be Emily...BUT I can act like her...lemme just get into character real quick." She said doing a bunch of weird face gestures. "Hey blackbird it's gonna be ok. Don't forget that I love you. Now give me a kiss!" She said in an Emily tone.

That got me to laugh which I think was her goal. Penelope is one of those girls that thinks laughter is the best medicine.
Morgan and Spencer came back with doctor Hogan and I asked when I could leave and go back to work. She said I would be for sure clear to go back to work in 3 days which means I'm getting a week off from Hotch. He always gives us a little extra cause that's how he is.

"Thank you Dr." I said. She nodded and silently exited the room.

"Ughhh this SUCKS! I have to stay in the hospital for another 2 hours and Emily isn't even hear." I said my voice cracking on the last part.

"Oh oh oh! Chocolate thunder buckle down cause I have one ride of a rollercoaster for you!" Penelope said typing away at her laptop.

"Whatcha got babygirl?"

"So I did what you asked and cross checked everyone that works or has worked in the bar since Emily's undercover stage, and I found one guy who sounds a little like what we are looking for. I'll text you the address on the way. Now go get JJ's lover!" Penelope said yelling to them as they walked out the door.

Emily's pov:

I woke up from my blackout at least 2 hours ago. I know I've been missing for a good 13 hours now. I just wanna get home and hold JJ in my arms again.

Ever since I woke up this bastard has slapped me, punched my, kicked me, cut me, and more things including zapping me with a cattle prod. I was having enough and I wanted to give up but I couldn't for JJ!

I would move heaven and earth for her.

About half an hour later I hear the door bust open as I see Morgan Hotch Rossi and Spencer along with SWAT flooding into the room.

"Damion O' Connor you are under arrest.." Morgan said walking him out while handcuffing him.

"Emily where's Doyle?" Hotch asked trying to keep me awake.

"He...he.....he's dead.." I said using up all my strength and once again blacking out.

JJ's pov:

I was now able to leave the hospital, but Garcia told me that they found Emily and that she was coming here so I decided to stay.

I was exhausted even though I've been sleeping for 6 hours. I guess I just miss Emily.

I was waiting in the waiting room with Pen when a bunch of nurses and doctors came rushing by with Emily on a gurney. She was pale and sickly looking it broke my heart.
I guess Penelope could see that cause she immediately got up from her chair and gave me a tight hug swaying us back and forth to try snd keep me calm.

3 hours later

Emily was finally out of surgery and in her hospital bed. The doctor came by and said we could all go and see her. I let the rest of the team go first since I was probably going to be staying with her until someone dragged me home.

When I finally went into the room a little while after waiting for Garcia and Morgan to finish up, I saw her hooked up to all these IVs and she had all these bruises and cuts on her face. She was asleep when I went in so I decided to leave her be. I sat in a chair next to her and held her hand kissing it before laying my head on her bed and falling asleep.

I woke up to the feeling of my hand being lightly squeezed.

"EMILY! Oh my god I thought I lost you I was so worried I was never going to see you again!" I said tears forming in both our eyes.

"Aw blackbird I said I was never gonna leave you again." She said kissing my hand.

"I love you so much!"

"I love you too Jennifer."

Just then the doctor came in.

"Oh good you're awake don't mind me I'm just during the daily check up to make sure everything is going fine.....which...everything seems to be great. You'll be cleared to leave in 4 hours." She said finishing up and leaving.

"Ok I can't wait any longer I've been dying to do this!" I said Emily looking at me concerned.

I moved closer to her face connecting our lips. It felt so good to be kissing her again ever since our moment in the conference room that's all I've been thinking about. We pulled away and laid our foreheads together.

"I swear as god as my witness Emily Prentiss I will never let anything bad happen to you ever again and I will love you til the day I die and I hope I can be speaking for both of us on that.."

"Of course my love for always and ever."

I was so happy to be with Emily again but something pained me inside what was it? Oh....having to tell Emily she wasn't the only one that ended up in the hospital....

A/N: hey guys gabriella again here's the update and how do you think the next chapter should go I'm probably gonna skip the recovery cause it's gonna be boring but what do you guys wanna see?? Leave suggestions in the comments I LOVE YOU ALL THANKS FOR THE READS!!!!

word count: 1,196

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