"You passed out"

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JJ's pov

Later that morning

I sat at the counter sipping away at my coffee it was 6:50 and I had to be at work at 8. What was the point in going? Emily wasn't going to be there. Emily. All of it I still can't believe it was a dream. It seemed so real.
I sat there as I felt the tears storming from my eyes. Just then Will walked downstairs. I quickly wiped my tears and drank my coffee like nothing happened.

"Hey beautiful why you up so early?" Will said walking behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I shivered at his action which I was hoping he didn't notice. Thankfully he didn't. If he was Emily though she would have noticed, she always knew when something was wrong with me. GOD GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF JENNIFER.....EMILY.....is gone.....and you're not getting her back.

"Oh I just decided to get up early I couldn't really sleep." I said only really half lying.

"Oh well here let me make you some breakfast." Will said kissing my shoulder.

"Oh no thanks I'm not really hungry." I fake smiled. "I'm gonna go take a shower real quick." I said walking back upstairs.

I sat in the shower for almost half an hour. Crying cause I realized that I never got to tell Emily how I felt before she died. I didn't even know that's how I felt about her. Do I even still feel like that? Was this actually how I felt about her or was it just because we were really close?
I put aside my thoughts and finished my shower and getting ready, before I left for work. I walked in and walked past the memorial wall and stopped. Seeing her picture there didn't feel right, didn't sit right with me. Just then Garcia walked up to me.

"I know...I miss her too." She said patting my shoulder.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I said holding my mouth shut as I ran to the bathroom.

As soon as I got into a stall I threw up for what seemed like hours. Garcia was with me every step of the way though holding my hair back and comforting me as much as she could.

I finally finished throwing up and just sat on the floor crying. Even though I loved Garcia being there to help me I didn't want her. I wanted Emily!

"I miss her so much.." I finally said

"I know we all do but it must be especially hard on you...you two were so close." Garcia said wiping the puke off my mouth with a towel.

After that we went back on with our days. I never really left my office at all, cause I couldn't bring myself to passing Emily's picture. She was really gone wasn't she....

Emily's replacement; Alex Blake, was a really good agent. But nothing like Emily. I know it sounds rude, but I'm not used to coming into work everyday and not seeing her beautiful brown eyes staring back at me, or when she smiles and the whole world seems to light up.

"Jareau my office now." Hotch said quickly walking out of my office.

"Yes sir you wanted to see me?" I said sitting in front of him.

"Are you alright you haven't left your office once today." He said in a concerning voice.

"Yea it's just....I miss her...like a lot and...it hurts to see her hanging on that wall." I said trying to keep my composure but feeling tears welp in my eyes.

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