thanksgiving ✔️

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louis thought that he would be fine staying at school alone for thanksgiving. it's too expensive to fly home for only four days, and there is a pandemic so it wasn't necessarily safe anyways.

but he isn't really fine. it's just that this school year has been such a struggle; his mental health is down the drain and and he's so fucking stressed because he has been putting everything important off. he knows he isn't special; everyone around the world has been particularly impacted this year, but that doesn't make it any easier.

louis is such a family man; he has never missed thanksgiving with his family, this year being the first time. louis knows that his family understands, and they aren't upset at him, but louis is upset. and he's lonely.

maybe it wouldn't even be so bad if he has someone to spend thanksgiving with, but all of his friends had gone home for the semester. they had decided to opt out of staying on campus and decided to study online for the rest of the semester, which is only three weeks, but it feels like a long time to someone who is basically alone on campus.

louis could have gone home, it's just that he knows that if he went home he wouldn't get any work done, he would be spending time with his family and his old friends and he would have even less motivation to complete school work. he can't have that, his education is one of the most important things to him.

so here he is, alone for thanksgiving, alone for the next three weeks on campus and louis is fucking depressed. he ate the school provided thanksgiving dinner for students who are staying on campus, but he ate alone and the food wasn't even that good. there were only thirty or so people in the dining hall, everyone was spread out and looking just as pathetic and sad as louis.

he called his family, and that usually makes him feel better, but it made him sadder today because he wants to be with his family right now. everything is unfair. louis went to his room and got ahead for some of his assignments and watched a movie, but he got bored pretty quickly. he usually has his roommate Liam to keep him company, but Liam went home too. Sure, louis likes his privacy, but he also likes company.

louis got out of the hall and went on a walk, and of course ten minutes into his walk it begins to rain. it's louis fault for not checking the weather, but in his defense the clouds in the sky didn't loo like rain clouds.

louis curses to himself and ducks under the overhang by the first building he see's. unfortunately for him, its the apartment buildings for the school and now he probably looks like a creep standing outside of someone's home. louis sighs and hopes that the person (or people) who live there are home for the holidays.

louis plan was to wait for the rain to le up, but after a quick look on the weather app on his phone he finds that it isn't supposed to stop raining until nearing ten, it's only eight now. louis bangs his head against the brick wall behind him, not enough to hurt lot, but enough to make him a little but more angry.

he could call a cab or order an uber, but it's only a ten minute walk back to his hall, and he isn't willing to pay for something that he could easily get to. he doesn't have many funds to begin with, he shouldn't waste it on uber.

so louis just stands there under the roof and ruminates. of course his emotions get the best of him and he ends up crying. he's upset that people around the united states are reuniting with their families and creating nice memories and louis is stuck here, in front of some random apartment, freezing cold, and considering running back to his dorm in the freezing fucking cold rain.

louis could curse at the sky.

"um, hello?" a tall boy is suddenly in front of louis.

"who are you?" louis says, he did sounds quiet rude, but he is having a shit day and this guy just caught louis crying so he thinks he has a right to sound like an asshole.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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