Work it Out ✔️

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Authors Note: guys i just wanted to put a TRIGGER WARNING on this fic for alcohol abuse/addiction. i personally don't think it's too bad, but if you know you are triggered by stuff like that then be careful.

"Why do you torture yourself like this, Lou?" Zayn ask, he and Louis are standing on the small balcony of a hotel room somewhere in Europe. He forgot where.

"Like what?" Louis asks back even though he already knows what Zayn means.

"With Harry." Zayn clarifies. He knew that Louis already knew what he was talking about, "why don't you, like,  stop loving him? Or at least confess your love for him. Keeping it all inside is killing you."

Louis rolls his eyes, "I'm not keeping it all inside, I tell you everything."

Zayn sighs, "I'm leaving, Louis. Who are you gonna talk to when I leave?"

Right, Zayns leaving. Like all bad things, he try's not to think about it. Louis shrugs, but doesn't say anything else. Louis silence is answer enough, though. Zayn knows that Louis doesn't plan on talking to anyone about his problems.

"You're going to get depressed like before." Zayn points out, "and you are going to lash out on everyone, like before."

He always mentions before. Before you got a handle on you're life. Before, when you were messed up on drugs and drunk most of the time. Before, when you were still dealing with your moms death. Before you started talking to me about your problems. Before, before, before.

"I won't." Louis says, "and even if I did, I could still talk to you; I'll blow up your phone with texts and call you whenever I need you. It'll be like you never left."

Zayns doesn't comment. Louis doesn't think about it.


"That was great guys," the guy says into the speaker to the boys in the recording studio, "could you sing it one more time?"

The boys don't seem to mind singing the same song over again. They don't mind getting asked to "raise their voice a bit" or "project more." They've sung the same part of "Love You, Goodbye" like four times and Louis is over it. He's been over everything for a while.

Louis rolls his eyes and sings again.

And again.

Finally he snaps, "isn't that fucking enough?"

Nobody says anything to him, but he knows that even the people outside the studio can hear him, "we've sang this same part like five fucking times! Haven't you gotten enough to work with? Can't we move on?"

Harry grips at Louis arm and whispers, "Lou, they're just doing their job."

"They aren't doing their job good enough." Louis retorts, pulling his and out of Harry's hand, "if they were, we would be fucking done already."

"We just need it to sound perfect, Louis." The guy says behind the glass wall (what's his name? Surely they told him).

"Whatever," Louis says, walking towards the door trying not to trip over the countless wires, "make it sound perfect without me. I'm out."

Louis walks out of the studio, and out of the building, and straight down the street. God, he's so sick of this. He should have left when Zayn did.

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