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After hours of hearing Y/N scream in pain, he finally stops ... she looks up to him with blood dripping down her face .. she smirks and says
" I-if you gonna kill them .. kill them.. what are you waiting for.. you want me right? And not them... there stopping you... if you want me so bad ...." Micheal looked at her and nodded ... he took out his gun and shot Emmy in the arm .. she screamed ... so loud... she was so hurt ....  I'm guessing he missed because he said
" aww man... I guess your saved!" He says putting away his gun ...
" NOOO!" Y/N screamed lunging towards Emmy but only to be held back by the chains ...I was just in shock ... how could someone do that...
" you fucking bastard!" she says blood dripping out her month and her eyes rolling back ... Micheal ran over to her and quickly undid the chains .. exactly when he did that she kicked him in the balls and slammed his head on the ground knocking him out ...
" QUICK!" she says undoing the chains I was in and Emmy
" what are you doing?" I ask
" what are you doing ?" I ask grabbing the phone
" you heard the bitch hurry the fuck up!" Emmy says dragging me out .. she was in pain... a lot... I ripped of some fabric from my shirt and tied it around her arm to stop the blood flow ... but before we fully left I hear Y/N say something ..
" those screams weren't fake.." she says passing out... she wasn't faking ... she was hurting .. but she told me that she had a high pain tolerance to not worry me.. to get me through this... she sacrificed herself for us.. even for Emmy... who lied about being my soulmate
" stop get distracted and run! We don't have a lot of time!" Emmy says .. tears start to fall from my eye but I continue to run.. once we're at a safe place Emmy calls the police ... once she gets off the phone she starts talking ..
" hey look at me.." she says turning my head so I'm facing her
" Y/N is going to be fine.. look if she lasted this long she gonna make it through.. you have to believe in her.. okay? She's going to be fine .. the police are already getting there so she will be safe .." she says.. she was actually concerned... we decided to head to the theatre so we could tell everyone what happened... we've been gone for a few days but Y/N has been Gone longer ... when we get there everybody runs up to us
" what happen?" Anthony asks
" where's Y/N?" Oak asks
" are you guys okay?" Renee says ..
" Well were kinda okay ... we got kidnapped by Y/N crazy Ex-boyfriend and she's still with him.." Emmy explains ... she's making Y/N sound bad
" WHAT!" They all say
" okay that's not all true ... first of all Y/N is still kidnapped .. maybe I should just start fork the beginning?" I ask .. they all nod and I sigh
" okay Y/N got kidnapped then I was regaining me memory so Emmy passed me out and took me to Micheal and then she also got kidnapped by him ... then I heard Y/N scream Micheal came in and started to beat her infront of us and then Y/N started to bleed out the mouth so Micheal took concern because he wants her as his soulmate, but she was faking so she could knock him out and then set free me and Emmy but she ended up passing out and we couldn't go back for her .." I say outta breath... then I get pushed up against a wall
" you didn't go back for her!? SHES YOUR FUCKING SOULMATE DUMBASS!" Oak says .. Anthony walked over and made it even worse
" SHE COULD BE DEAD ! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE HER!?" He says choking me.. Emmy grabs him off me
" Give him a fucking break! If you were there seeing your fucking soulmate get beat and hearing them scream then you can fucking talk! YOU DONT KNOW HALF OF THE THINGS WE WENT THROUGH!" Emmy says dragging me away .. that's when everybody notice the blood dripping down Emmy arm ..
" thank you.." I say .. we walk into one of the dressing rooms
" I wasn't just gonna let them yell at you.. even though your not my soulmate I do care for you daveed .." she says shyly
" yea.. also we're still not over that you pretending to be my soulmate thing ... but for now ... ILL FUCKING YELL AT YOU!" I say.. did she think I could forgive her so fast?
" dude I just defended you?!" She says
" this is all your fault! If you weren't have lied Y/N wouldn't be in the position she's in!" I say..
" you know what! I don't even care anymore.. plus I gotta go to the fucking hospital because of your stupid soulmate! " she says walking out... well I mean what did I expect... I let out a sigh... what the fuck am I going to do... for all I know Y/N could be dead ... and what could I do about it ? Oak and Anthony were right ... I'm useless ... I couldn't even get my own soulmate to safety ...


When I wake up I'm tied up again ..
" little bitch thought they could get free huh?" Micheal asks twirling a knife around my body ... so if I moved it would get pushed in...
" well look.. your little soulmate left you.." he says using the knife to tilt my face up...
" I-I t-told t-them to..." I say... my throat was still sore from screaming ...
" look at you being a hero! But now.. it's time for you to die..." then sirens are heard... they called the police... thank god...
" uh oh.." I say laughing ... but he didn't think that was to funny so got out a gun and put it to my head ... honestly a classic move ... then the police come in with there guns from all sides ...
" you shoot me the girl dies ..." he says pushing the gun closer to my head ...
" put the gun down and nobody gets hurt!" One police officers says while slowly walking closer
" If you get any fucking closer and she's dead!" He says pulling back the trigger .. now no matter what even if they took the gun away from him , the gun was still gonna shoot somewhere... while the cops were waiting I was think of a way to get out of here... but nothing was gonna work right now ... I was to weak to kick or even walk... my whole body was sore ...  I wonder how this was gonna play out...

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