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Well here I am ... still a gun to my head ... fun! All the cops are planning there next move ... which is taking really long like just Kill me already god...  everything just hit me.. I could fucking die.. I start to cry which makes Micheal even more mad ... you think that if he really loved me that he wouldn't be mad at me for crying .. like what the fuck
" let go of her and you won't have as bad charges .." one of the cops say lying .. no matter what Micheal was done for .. and he knew that ... maybe that's why he did this next move .. he stopped holding me causing me to fall to the ground and then pointed the gun to his head ... he backed up so he was against the wall so everybody could see him... the cops went and grabbed me but before they took me out I saw Micheal .. do one last thing ...
" this is because of you Y/N!" The he shoots himself in the head ... I scream.. but the cops drag me out to a police car ...
" are you okay ? Are you hurt? What did he do?" I start to cry because I'm just rethinking everything he has done ... plus I just saw Micheal kill him self ...
" I-I h-h u-" I say.. I couldn't even form any words I was so overwhelmed..
" okay look we're gonna take you to the hospital..." they put me in a Ambulance and drive to the hospital... I was taken to a room when they have me an IV which supplied me of water ... they let me calm down before a doctor came in.. mind you be was a male...
" hi I will be your doctor so I'll be looking over your body and taking care of you!" He says putting his hand out for me to shake but I only flinched because I thought he was gonna hit me..
" I'm not gonna hurt you.. you are safe here ..." I nod ... he was right .. im safe here
" okay if you could sit up so I could hear your heartbeat.." he says getting closer to me... when he goes to hear my heartbeat I flinch and burst out in tears ...
" I'm gonna be back ..." he says getting up... he was clearly annoyed... I over hear a conversation outside my room ...
" she won't even let me go near her ... I don't know what I'm supposed to do... she won't even speak!" the docter says ... I was burden to them ... They couldn't even shake my hand ... then a female nurse comes in ...
" hey... would you be comfortable with me just doing a check up on you to make sure your okay? After we will give you food and you can relax .." she says ..
" j-just be p-patient with me.." I say barely being able to say those few words ... she nods and I let her to do the check up .. only a few times did I flinch ... which I mean I guess is good?

A/N : they reason why Y/N couldn't have a check up by a male is because she was beat and raped by one and that can mess of up how someone sees male even if they know that not all males are like this .. ( trauma basically )

" would you like anybody contacted?" She asks
I nod and quickly write down the theatre name ... she nods and walks out ... I was in so much pain I could barely move .. and my throat was killing me.. maybe a few minutes later the nurse comes back in with Medicine...
" here is morphine to help with the pain.." she says sitting it down on the table next to me
" if you need anything don't hesitate to call us!"
She says with a smile .. I nod and she walks out .. I talk the Medicine which did numb the pain a lot ... I don't remember how much time passed but everybody from the Hamilton cast came ... almost everyone when they saw me started to tear up...
" thank god your safe!" Renee says coming over to hug me but I flinch ...
" I-I'm s-sorry.." I say looking down ... Renee couldn't even hug me...
" hey don't be sorry for something you can't control.. guys maybe we shouldn't all come in... let Y/N decide who she wants to see.." the nod and walk out ... of course I call for Renee
" how are you feeling?" She ask
I wanted to tell her how I felt but to be honest I didn't even know .. I end up not responding.. even talking hurt ... Renee continued to talk to me about random stuff .. but it was a more one sided conversation...
" do to want anybody to come in? Or ar with done for today .. " she asks getting up ..
" D-daveed ." I say kinda slurred .. she nods and gets daveed ...
" how are you feeling- are you okay? Are the doctors being rude.. I'm so sorry for not going back for you! I was so dumb!" He says .. he looked up at me.. probably confused why I didn't say something back..
" Y/N I'm so sorry for not remembering you and actually believing Emmy.. I should I have believed and literally everybody else who told me ... " he says .. I wanted to say so many things .. I wanted to be angery.. happy.. sad.. everything.. out I couldn't even say a few words .. pathetic ... my eyes start to get heavy .. and I yawn
" hey if your tired I can leave you to rest .." he asks ..
" s-stay" I say.. he laughs
" you want me to stay until you fall asleep.." he says ..I nod and pull the covers over and go to sleep ...

 Forbidden love ( Daveed X Y/N ) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu