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I wake up in the middle of the night with immense pain in my stomach.. I head over to the toilet because I thought I was gonna throw up but I didn't ... the Pain was unbearable.. I quickly call for a nurse and one comes rushing in
" what's the problem?" She asks
" s-stomach... p-pain.." and that's when I passed out from the pain... I woke up back in my bed alone.. no one was there .. a nurse  comes in
" we don't know what's happening to you but doctors and scientists are coming all over the world to study wants going on!" She says then walks out... to s-study me? Where's daveed? Wouldn't they have called him? Oh right the show... his probably asleep .. well now that I'm awake I might as well stay up.. I grab my laptop and start to play Minecraft, I've been working on my farm and my house and so far it's coming along .. I end up falling asleep soon after and wake up to yells in the hallway ... I open my door and look out and see Luis getting rushed down the hall in a stretcher ... he was having a s-seizure .. I fall to my knees and start to cry out.. I nurse comes and puts me back in my room so I wouldn't see anything out.. I bang in the door trying to get out ( they locked me in ) I wanted to know if Luis was okay! That night I didn't get a ounce of sleep .. the next morning I walk to to the cafeteria hoping to see Luis... but he wasn't there ... and it was dead quiet ... nobody was taking or smiling ... I sit down with everybody... lucie looked like she hadn't slept in ages ... and it looked like she's been crying ...
"H-he's.. dead isn't h-e?" I say quickly.. lucie looks up confused .. I slam my hand in the table
" g-god damit his dead isn't he!" I yell
"Y-yea.." lucie says in tears
"T-this is bullshit.." I say walking away.. I head back to my room. I couldn't believe this! THEY FUCKING SAID HE WAS GETTING BETTER! NOT THAT HE WAS GONNA DIE! I wish daveed was here to comfort me..

Y/N✨💅: hey do you think you can visit today?

He never responded...

Two hours later

Daveed💙🦖: sorry I was practicing! Yea I can come during my lunch! It's pretty long so we can spend time!


Y/N✨💅: yay!!! 😊

I wipe my tears and wash my face .. I had been crying the last hours and I didn't want daveed to see me like this.. he was finally happy and living his life... who am I to interfere ... 30 minutes later he finally arrived !

" daveed!" I say hugging him
" you didn't even stutter ! I'm so proud of you!" He says hugging me back... it felt good to be in his arms again ... I missed his scent and smile...
" what have you been doing?" He says carrying me to my bed
"N-not much really!" I say ...
" oh come something exciting just have happened!" He says, yea something sure did happen.. but not exciting...
" I-I finished my farm in m-Minecraft!" I say trying to think of something
" see that sounds fun!" He says .. we talked for a few but time got cut short because he had to go to the studio to record some song he was making.. it was some sort of surprise he said .. I don't even know but I didn't even ask because knowing daveed I wouldn't get a answer out of him .. it felt good to get my mind off of what just happened... I can't believe Luis is dead... yesterday he seemed fine and happy... what if lucie is next.. NO! I can't think like this! I have to have hope! Then I started to feel pain in my stomach again... I don't think these are period cramps anymore ... I run over to the toilet and this time I do throw up... blood mixed with the food I just ate ... well the little amount of food I ate .. a nurse comes rushing in and try's to help.. but there's not much to do when someone is throwing up.. they give me some medicine and leave ... after a few a doctor comes in ...
" since you have not been getting a lot of food we're gonna need to give you a feeding tube, how fast we get rid of this is up to you.." the doctor said.. soon I had a feeding tube ... great.. when is this going to be over! I just want to go home! I check my phone and see I got a text from daveed !

Daveed💙🦖: bad news ... I have to fly to Oakland for 9 days to shoot a music video.. I'm so sorry! But when I come back I'll be sure to spend every night and day with you!

Just great... I put my phone down and lay down.. this is sooo great! I love being fucking alone! I'm just gonna go to bed I don't even care what time it is ...

The next morning..

God it is uncomfortable to sleep with a feeding tube in .. I head to the bathroom and look in the mirror .. I didnt as skinner as before .. maybe the feeding tube? Did I gain weight? which I guess makes sense but why so fast? I weighed my self.. 100.. I used to weigh 95 ( because you were deprived of food you lost weight and haven't really gained it back since ) . 5 pounds in a day? A nurse comes in for a daily check up so I ask her ..
" why am I gaining weight so fast?" I ask
" oh yea we meant to tell you! Since your body has been deprived of food before when it gets a lot of food it stores it so when you don't go with food it will have some food to help with the hunger, Plus this is normal to gain a lot a weight in the first few days ! Once your body gets used to the amount of food coming in it will start to not gain as much " the nurse explains .. weird but okay

A/N probably most of this things in the story that involves doctors and sickness won't make sense but it's a fake universe so let's just roll with it!

 Forbidden love ( Daveed X Y/N ) Where stories live. Discover now