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Do I tell daveed? This is gonna kill him! I don't wanna break his heart... how much longer do I have left? This is stupid! I should be able to love a long and happy life not die, but nooo I have to go and die! Who even invented dying!! my phone starts to buzz and I jump at the sound because it startled me

Daveed💙🦖: heyyy princess! I'm coming over!! I should be there soon! Love you!

Great... I quickly wipe my tears and by the time his here my eyes are no longer puffy and my nose isn't runny either .. so hopefully he can't tell I've been crying ...
" hey beautiful!" He says giving me a kiss
" hey f-floof!" I say ruffling his hair, he leans into my touch and sits down on the floor and lets me play with his hair, he was so relaxed... but the only thing I could think of is that stupid test.. I'm only gonna get worse from here ... so I might as well live my life! Well the little part of life I Have left ...
" h-hey daveed .." I say and stop playing with his hair
" hmm?" He says
" you think we c-could go somewhere? Anywhere.. I'm wanna g-go out! Explore the world!" I ask .. I had a dream... I-I wanted to explore the world .. go to so many places! Try so many foods.. buy so many things ... just have fun...
" where do you wanna go Mrs. Adventure!" He says getting up and grabbing my hand
" do you have a show t-today?" I ask
" yea in a few hours why?" He asks
" I-I wanna go see it!" I say .. his eyes widen
" will the nurses would let you? I mean your gonna be gone 3 hours!" He says .. of course they are going to let me.. I'm dying... who wouldn't..
" yea!" I say trying to convince him
" okay we can ask.." he says helping me up to go ask.. and of course they said yes!
" what do-o I wear!" I say going through my clothes throwing them all over the place
" Y/N just wear something comfortable!" Daveed say stepping around the clothes
" but I wanna look goo-d! I'm your girlfriend and some fan girls see me in some s-sweatpants there gonna make fun of me!" I say.. he leans down and looks at me .. while gently grabbing my face
" hey listen, they are not going to make fun of you.. and if they do why do you care?! Your my girlfriend and not them, I chose you.. and I always will!" He says kissing me
" you have a w-ay with words daveed.." I say, I hear him laugh and finally I pick out a outfit

" okay open y-your eyes!" I say, daveed face turns bright red and he covers his face but opens his fingers so he can peak out

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

" okay open y-your eyes!" I say, daveed face turns bright red and he covers his face but opens his fingers so he can peak out..
" why are you so hot!" He says under his breath
" was that su-pposed to be a complaint or?" I say Laughing, he jolts up and hugs me
" you look beautiful sunshine.." he says
" well let's get going!" He says helping me walk, I've gotten better I no longer need a walker! But I have a feeling I'm gonna need one again soon... we arrive at the theatre and daveed takes me back to his dressing room while he gets dressed and does his hair, we talk but I only had one thing in my mind... death.. and I had a feeling daveed noticed something was of but didn't say anything .. for my sake or his ...
" okay the show is starting soon you might wanna go to the audience!" He says giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and then headjng out to get a little bit of makeup done, I head to my seat and soon the show begins.. this was the first time even seeeing Hamilton get performed ... and I wasn't in it.. they found a replacement for me ... I was supposed to be on that stage... but instead I'm in the crowd... at the end of show daveed comes up front while everyone stand behind him ...
" I would like you guys to meet someone who means the world to me!" Everybody starts to clap.. was he talking about me?
" Y/N L/N? Will you please join me up here on stage.." I get up and walk in stage
" everybody meet my beautiful girlfriend!" En a mix of a applause and hate.. people hated me.. because I was with daveed.. then daveed hands me the mic.. oh god..
" hi e-everybody! I hope you e-enjoyed the s-show!" I was stuttering even more .. I was nervousness .. Awkward silence... why did he even bring me in stage! Everybody bow's again which is awkward because do I bow or? I watch them now?? the exit music starts to play.. well that was embarrassing as fuck.. we end up not even taking about it and I head back to the hospital with him and we end up falling asleep.. I realized that I was getting tired from doing the smallest tasks .. I would tie my hair up and my arms would feel heavy or I would simply walk and my legs felt like they were gonna give out.... please no... not this soon... it can't be this soon.. I thought I had time...

A/N sorry if some of the grammar isn't correct! It's late but I wanted to get something out for you guys! I'll edit it in the morning!

 Forbidden love ( Daveed X Y/N ) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें