Chapter 12

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Hello Everyone!

As per usual I will reply to every comment posted by Wednesday!! Can't wait to hear from you!

P.S. Please bare in mind that there are a lot of characters in this chapter so don't be upset if you don't see them all a lot, you'll see more of them further into the story too! Thank you

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The next day the house was a flurry of activity. We had a grocery delivery show up while my parents were out grabbing last minute meat for the barbeque which left Sebastian and I in charge of putting all the food away. Since he doesn't live in the house anymore, it was more Sebastian handing me things while I put them away.

The most annoying part of throwing any kind of event is when people show up early. I cannot think of anything worse than stepping out of the shower and hearing the doorbell ring repeatedly before I've even decided on my outfit let alone makeup for the day.

Voices could be heard from downstairs already and I dreaded the idea of rushing myself to get dressed. Once I was downstairs, a few people waved at me and I could see children running around screaming outside. The patio was crammed with people and I could see my dad and Johnathan, Olivia's dad, setting up the grill. But before I could go join the crowd outside the doorbell rang.

I yanked open the door and was greeted with cheek kisses. "Maddie, you look gorgeous!" Courtney Easton, Charlotte and Olivia's friend from high school, stood there with who I assumed was her French fiancé, Etienne. He smiled politely at me. I didn't really have time to greet him because I was too distracted by the hand Courtney rested on her obvious swollen belly.

My mouth dropped open. "You're pregnant?" I asked in shock, my eyes wide.

"Who's pregnant-?HO-LY SHIT, Courts, you look...great," Sebastian stumbled over four different facial expressions all in one sentence from confusion to shock, to humor to fear at her facial expression from his outburst. Etienne shook Sebastian's outstretched hand and mine with a relaxed smile on his face as he stared fondly at Courtney. He wasn't much of a talker according to Charlotte and Olivia, it could be that English is his second language but he still talks every now and then.

She glared at him. "Careful with your words, Seb," she leaned in until she was in his face, "I've just gotten over my jet lag after getting in from Paris and Etienne wouldn't stop at Panda Express on the way here so... be very careful." Etienne grinned and kissed the back of her hand.

He visibly gulped, no doubt experiencing flashbacks of Olivia's pregnancy. "I have one question," he said nervously, "do they know?" He asked quietly. I've never seen a grown man this scared before. We all knew who 'they' were.

Courtney pursed her lips. "No."

Sebastian stood there relatively calm and nodded his head a couple times. "Okay, yup. I'm outer here," he stated and quickly walked away from the door. "Yo Jackson, hide!"

"Olivia and Charlotte are going to kill you, you know this right?" I asked, letting them walk through the door.

Courtney strutted into the foyer. "They can't harm a pregnant lady," she winked, hugging me again. Etienne smiled at me as they moved further into the house.

I mumbled under my breath, "I wouldn't put it past Olivia."

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"Maddie!" A voice called out from behind me while I was refilling some of the snacks on the outdoor table.

I spun on my heel and found Drew Benson, Tessa's best friend from high school standing in front of me. "Drew!" I smiled and immediately dropped the bag of pretzels, launching myself into his arms, hugging him tightly.

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