New Grey Staff

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I have been frantically trying to find household staff for when the new little Grey's arrive. The bedrooms across from the master suite have been remodeled and the wall separating three bedrooms have been taken down leaving the support beams needing some  more supports. They created huge storage areas to hold up the support beams where each wall used to be. Each part has its own outside door. But we have the 4 beds changing tables, rockers, night stands all strategically place for efficient care of the babies. Clothing is in neutral colors for now. The theme is a children's wonderland for boys and girls. Elliott worked with a designer who tried to put some moves on him. Georgia said if he liked having sex then he would turn everything to her and Miss Slutty Mateo could deal with her. Miss Mateo was expecting Elliott when she took off all her clothing and laid her skanky ass on Elliotts desk.
Georgia Grey
Elliott decided to have me handle Miss slutty after she tried to grab him in an inappropriate way. We decided to have security cameras placed in Elliotts offices and have security monitoring at all times. Taylor's idea. He told me miss slutty had caused many divorces just to see if she could. But she was really after Christian but would settle for Elliott. He said she would do anything including drugging him if she could. I have decided that Elliotts not safe around her. Ana had Taylor help me out. So we have a plan to live feed to the internet my meeting with miss slutty. I am of course running late. But Elliotts PA a guy of course as called miss slutty saying Elliotts on his way and for her to go into his office and get a drink or something. We watch as she checks out the drinks. She pours two and puts a pill into the one she's not drinking. We watch as she clears the desk off. Then she takes off all her clothes. Omg we are fumigating that office. This is all live and we have her name and number on the site. She lays on the desk with everything showing. Then she decides to show her landing strip and other things. She poses where you can see everything. So I make my appearance. I am shocked. She is as well. I say we're you expecting someone else?
Gia Mateo
I finally will get my chance with Elliott. I had the works don and have a landing strip. I try different poses. I cleared his desk off so I can lay provocatively when he comes in. I prepared his drink with a pill that's guaranteed to assure I get what I want. I pose until I decide on one that shows him everything. The door opens and in walks Georgia. She looks shocked and so do I my phone starts ringing while I am grabbing my clothes. I am totally busted. She says I guess you were hoping for Elliott right? You will probably know this, but you are very fired. And the drug in that glass over there will be tested. Taylor walks in and takes the glass with the drug in it. Two security guards escort her naked ass to her car and tells her she has five seconds to get off Grey property. I smile at the camera and say Gia Mateo is available her numbers are shown. Ladies she swings both ways. But she is a gold digger and a social climber.
I sit back and watch the number of views rise on the Gia Mateo video. We had it set up on an unidentifiable IP address and made it look like we got hacked into so we didn't have any legal issues.
Elliott called me saying he got rid of miss slutty with a little help. He said Gia made the news and a few porn web sites with her routine on his desk. I think when Ana and Georgia together could do the impossible. The nursery has been completed. Two nannies were fired for coming onto me and Ana. Poor Gail was hoodwinked by theses two ladies. Taylor took over hiring the nannies and staff. The man deserves a raise and he's getting one.
I have hired more people in the last six months then I ever have. Gail told me there must be something in the water because she's pregnant too. Christian and Ana gave us time off for our honeymoon three months ago and I think it happened then. Gail was told she couldn't have children. Now she has to take it easy. So I hired some duds and they were fired. I finally found a company who vets everyone and the cost doesn't matter to the Grey's as long as they just do their jobs and aren't going pull a Mateo. Her video is still out there in internet space. Her firm fired her. She did find a wealthy husband, but her prenup was screwed up by her own attorney. She gets nothing from the marriage if it ends. Even if her husband cheats on her. Plus he's a cheapskate and gives her very little money. Ana, Georgia, Gail and I chuckle about it, because her husband marries and cheats then divorces regularly.
I have been on bed rest since my fourth month, I have monitors on me 24/7. I missed Mias wedding due to the babies. Her twins decided to come a month early. James Elliott and Jarod Allen  18 inches and 4 pounds 3 ounces each. Both needed a bit of oxygen and some NICU time. Mia did well according to everyone. Now Gail and I need to do well. Both high risk pregnancy for different reasons.
I press the intercom to chat with Ana and turn on video if we are dressed. So far the staff is working out greatly. Georgia came over and decided to check out the staff and has informed them that she will rate them each visit, so they better be doing their jobs and very well. Ana and I have cabin fever. We try to get appointments for the drs offices on the same days and about the same time so we can have a good meal out. We get tired easily so we do this every time we can.
I am being put in the hospital for the last two months of my pregnancy to assure the babies and me survive. Christian is getting panicked. I tell him not to, but he worries anyway. I tell him to go run our companies. He lets me run mine, but looks at them anyway.

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