Grandma Ana

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Ana L
I called my attorney today, Ana and I have an appointment with her today. Ana's cousin is trying to take power of attorney over from Ana. He has implied that I am not in my right mind and Ana is taking advantage of me. Ana has been taking care of me and the companies since she could sign papers legally. Now she runs the companies. He hasn't bothered to do a thing for me or even been to see me, now all the sudden he is concerned about me being in my right mind. I think he is the one with the screws loosened. Richard Garret is 30 years old and a bum. His wife must have put him up to this. She visited once after they announced their wedding years ago. Then recently they started calling me out of the blue. Talking about how hard it is making ends meet and everything. They were trying to get cash from me and I didn't take the bait. Then he went on to insult Ana and her.Irving with me. I told him that she is taking care of me and everything else. He said she is taking advantage of me is all. I told Ana and she said he had already tried to sell one of the companies to someone and she caught him and informed the buyer that he didn't own the company and did not have power of attorney over anything and she could prove it via an attorney.

Rachael Roberts attorney for Ana Lane and Ana Steele

Ana Steele and Ana Lane have been my clients for a while, since Ana Steele turned 18. She has been taking care of her grandmother for a while now. No one else has bothered to even visit her unless they want something and Ana Lane told them to leave if all they want is her money. She finally retired and gave Ana Steele power of attorney over everything. She also will inherit everything from her grandmother. Richard and Sue Garret apparently tried to sell one of the companies and Ana Lane was called immediately and then Ana Steele called the buyer and told him that the Garrets owned nothing. Their attorney Alfred Bennett tried to overturn the power of attorney and I had a very long conversation with him and he tried to bully me. The judge set him and his clients straight. Now they are trying to declare Ana Lane mentally incompetent. I decided to assure they can't take possession of any of Mrs Lanes assets or properties by have Ana Steele's name added to everything so today is going to be a long day. If Mrs Lane passes away everting will go to Ana Steele. Plus if she is delayed mentally incompetent Ana will become her guardian. Right now she has both legal and medical power of attorney. We also have Mrs Lanes DNR and it was made prior to the power of attorneys were wrote up. I brought in a partner to assure of no conflict of interest on anyone's part. Jennifer Carlson will be Miss Steele's attorney of record for all of these documents to assure no one can take Mrs Lanes property before or after her death. The will is iron clad, we also made up a will for Miss Steele leaving any assets she might have or inherited go to Gail and Sophie Taylor and Charity. If they both die everting will go to the Taylor's. They also left some to charity. Nothing will be left to the Garrets or any other relatives that try to claim Mrs Lanes assets or properties and or cash.

Jennifer Carlson new attorney for Miss Steele.

We all sit and go through everything wills power of attorneys both legal and medically. Mrs Lane was very astute and understood everything being said and she even pointed out several items that needed to be corrected. We got it done and she read it again and finally she signed it. The wills were the worst and both ladies needed to eat. I called in a notary and then had them wait while we find a psychiatrist to a assess Mrs Lane and Miss Steele.

Alfred Bennett attorney for the Garret family

I hate clients like the Garret family, they don't care unless they might inherit or not inherit in this case. They don't even have the money to cover the my fees, so they need those before I will do anything for them.

I am sitting here looking at who really owns this company Garret tried to sell me. I started a search for who the true owner is. I took a call from the Garrets and they told me that they had to declare their grandma incompetent. I told them I couldn't wait and already made a deal with someone else. I haven't but they don't need to know my business. The Garrets came to me with this deal because they needed money, but I didn't see why they would need any money at all considering how well the company was doing. Which is why I had both the company and the Garrets checked out further, before they called me about Mrs Ana Lanes competency. Her granddaughter was given power of attorney due to her grandmothers health. The grandmother still has a hand in running the companies, her granddaughter just signs the documents for her after reading them to her first. The attorneys are present as well if they are needed. So they are the people who should have been at the meeting. The Garrets do need the money that's for sure. They are living far beyond their means, I have it on good authority that they were told they weren't inheriting a dime from the Lane estate. A codicil dinner the husbands will provide for her as long as she doesn't give money to anyone but Ana Steele.  George Lane and Ana Lane put Ana Steele as power of attorney at 18 due to both being of frail health. The girl took courses on line so she didn't leave her grandparents sides and she never did. Not one of the other family members came by except to try to get money from them.
Ana L
I asked if we can get restraining orders against all the Garret family and the attorneys said they could easily get them for both of them. They recommend hiring security immediately.

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