A Month

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Grandma never told me where or what she did the day she slipped out of the house. It's been a month and O'Shea won't tell me where he took her. I woke to hearing what sounded like my grandma calling my name, but it was my imagination. She wasn't awake yet. She was restless last night so I went and made breakfast for us. I figured she might be down soon, but fifteen minutes later I had eaten and put hers in the warmer. I always have a bad feeling when she hasn't woke up early and today was the worse one. I knock and no answer, I hope she is ok. I walk in and her bed is empty. I give O'Shea a call and he says she's not with him.
Ana L
I woke up at the time my husband had died and hear his voice. I thought it was my imagination so I made the bed and head to my favorite place that he built me and him to enjoys seeing the world. I sit on our favorite sofa and suddenly feel like his arms are holding me and he is whispering and saying it's time my dearest Anastasia. Let's walk the last mile to your place by me. I seem to leave my body and I see him and he's holding out his hand and I take it and we walk towards people who have left me behind. They are all there welcoming me with bright smiles.
I finally see her slumped over with what looks like a smile on her face. I check her breathing and then call her dr to come and her attorney. I have to stay strong I have so much to do. Grandma would want me to be strong for her and me. I learned that she had all the funeral arrangements made the day she slipped off without me. She knew her time was coming soon. Gail came over after they took her away to the funeral home and helped me get her outfit for her wake. She said she had to cook supper for her boss and after that she would come over if I needed her. I started getting calls the next day from work and her friends. The funeral was unfortunately in the paper. So it was a huge funeral. I had to have extra security around me at all times. Gail, Sophie and Taylor sat by me. Apparently their boss came as well, my cousin was as well, but he couldn't get near me thank God. The attorney told me she signed everything over to me the day she planned her funeral. They had setup a sort of buffet type thing for afterwards in a huge room at the funeral home. Everyone came by including the guy who was hiring people to hug him. He introduced himself and his mother and father. I was in a fog so I really didn't know what he was saying to me. I think my fog continued for a few days. Richard again tried to get his supposed share of the estate. Security threatened to arrest him and he gave up. Someone came and packed all my grandmothers clothing, shoes, coats, and whatever clothing type things and left. I had to go through and make sure she hadn't left anything either in or on the clothes. It was a good thing they told me to do it. She left cash and her jewelry on and in her things. After two hours we goat it al packed up neatly and they left.
Finally I got a call from the attorney and told me someone was asking about if I was going to sell any of the companies? I told him I wasn't going to be selling them. I kicked into high gear and started going to each company and evaluating each one. Gail called and asked if I was okay and I told her I was working hard and getting everything at the companies up to par. She said that I sound like her boss and am working too much, so she told me to join Jason, her and Sophie for supper at their home. They were given some time off while their boss was buying a company in New York.
I decided to play matchmaker for Ana and one of our staff. To say she was shy is an understatement. It turns out she couldn't stop blushing and hardly spoke. She normally is very outgoing. Turns out she had never gone on a real date. She's 24 and got her degrees on line and manages her companies mostly via internet until recently. But when taking on her employees is another matter entirely. She's a good boss, bit doesn't put up with any dissenting views. She allows for different ideas and takes them under consideration. Bullying her and trying to take charge of her companies will get you on her strike list, three strikes you are out. I tried the friend route for some and she had coffee with them, but nothing happened. I gave up trying.
Ahh my love life sucks and it is obviously going to keep sucking. I think I will just play it by ear and put myself out there. I decide to to take college courses in person. It will get me out of the house and meeting others. Gail still tries to set me up and I go just in case. I have met friends but we just didn't want the same things out of life. Plus their schedules were worse than mine being security or bodyguards. Have to see each other sometime and our schedules would never allow it. That's why they never married.
Gail tried once again to fix me up, the girl is beautiful and well mannered, a bit too well mannered for my friends. She and I agreed to just be friends. Gail again was disappointed she couldn't get a love match , but oh well.

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