Mia And Kate

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I questioned Mia and then called Kate Kavanagh and asked her if she knew anything about Leila and her propensity to do what she did to Christian. I also informed Mia that she is no longer to associate with Leila in any way and that she will be working and move into a place of her own. Grace says Christian is lucky to be alive and lucky security was there and spotted Leila.
I tell Mia that her friend doing that is lie a guy drugging her and having sex with her without her consent rape is rape male or female. Her friend wanted to trap Christian with a baby he had no choice in making. After seeing he was dating the girl she hated in high school she stole the codes to Christians garage and penthouse off Mias phone.
Jack Hyde? I have no idea who he is, but he wants to have a word about how I can get my revenge on Ana Steele and get pregnant by Christian Grey. He has made a deal with me. He is getting me out on bail.
I went to see Leila and she told me someone was helping her get out on bail and then they are working to get revenge on Ana and Christian. She wouldn't tell me who it was. I asked her what she was thinking when she decided to have sex after drugging him?
She contends that he and her should be married and she was going to at least have his baby. I try to talk some sense into her, but she doesn't want to listen to me. I tell her I will be back later. I call Mia and ask her to have her father call me right away.
What is going on Kate? Why do you need to speak with my dad?
Some guy is trying to get Leila out and making a deal on getting revenge on your brother and Ana. Anyone who wants to get Leila out for purposes of revenge is not looking to simply hurt them Mia, they intend to do more than hurt them.
Okay I will let dad and Christian know. Don't let Leila know you spoke to me about this. Do you know who is trying to get her out?
She wouldn't say. At this point I am unsure if Mia can be trusted or not. So I kept the name of the person from her until I could talk to her brother or father.
I don't know who to believe in this place. The public defender assigned to me has told me that I could spend six months to five years depending on the intent and the drug I used. As it is I was trespassing, that might get me community service, but add that to what the witnesses said I might get more time and Christian Grey might ask for the maximum under the law. Kate was here pumping me for information. Jack said someone would be here trying to wrangle the truth and to give it to them..
Mia said that someone is trying to get Leila out on bail. She isn't sure who it is, but Kate said whoever it is wants revenge on Ana and me. She said whoever it was visited her. I have to find out who is trying to help Leila and put a stop to it.
Miss Steele and mr Grey have no idea I am out due to some misplaced paperwork by some very inept law enforcement officers. So they had to release me. So they think I am still behind bars awaiting trial.
Sir Jack Hyde was Leilas visitor, someone misplaced his paperwork and they released him. We had them search again and they filed it in Jackson and not Hyde. They are trying to find him now. They are watching for him to come again and checking with bail bonds people alerting them if anyone gets bail for Leila Williams we will know and the police will use it to find Hyde. I have hired extra security for you and miss Steele.
Mia has to get different friends some nice ones and she needs an attitude adjustment toot sweet. She brought this person into our lives, but Leila might have been obsessed with Christian all along and just used Mia to get close to him. Well she's behind bars for now and I am going to try to up her bail. We can show a history of violence, but it also shows Mia and Kate involved in it.
I just saw Jack Hyde and called the cops and asked why he wasn't behind bars? Luckily security was tight around me otherwise I would have been a sitting duck. At least we know where he was and I am one of his targets. What a surprise. Christian is another of his targets. Apparently he is trying to get Leila out and working with him to do something to Christian and myself. They both caused all of the prop legs they are facing now. No one made them do what they did. I am in the market when the cops finally capture Hyde. This time we ,are sure nothing is lost and make sure no one does again. Carrick is involved every step of the way and he wants copies of every piece of paper.
I am still sitting here waiting for my bail to be paid. My PD told me not to hold my breath, because he found out that I colluded with someone to go after Christian Grey again and this time his girlfriend as well. It turns out my PD lied and got me to admit to another crime and I fell for it. So now they have me on other charges. I am mad and ask for another PD. He said good luck on that. But I will make sure you get someone else, not as good as I am, but someone.
I normally don't pay visits to criminals, but you are an exception. You have no idea the can of worms you opened when you went after my son. You had already tried to kill Ana in high school and don't think because she didn't press charges that that won't be brought up in court, because it will. You see you might have had settled with her financially to stay out of jail. Your attorney missed the fact no gag order was put in the deal. Plus we can use the video of you three shoving her down the steps. You were the only one who shoved her after reviewing the video from several aspects. I am starting to think you might be criminally insane. Anyway I am going to make sure you and Hyde get the maximum sentence by law. Oh he's back in jail, so no bail for you.

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