Visiting Fred

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Ana L
I finally asked Ana to go with our driver to the graveyard to visit Fred. We bought flowers and a hanging planter to put close to Fred's headstone. I say I will visit him when I visit my family as well. I notice Gail headed towards us with Sophie by her.
She says she has family there as well as her first husband. She seems to want to say something else, but the tear in her eyes stops her.
So visiting Fred I see, he was always nice to us. The market owner told us he had died and was buried here. He had a lot of friends look at all the flowers.
Ana S
His grandson let us know about a week ago. You guys should come over soon and have dinner with us. We never really thanks Jason and you guys for helping us out with my cousin. He no longer is an issue and it was his girlfriend not his wife that was asking for money.
Oh Lord, hope the wife gave him his walking papers.
Ana S
She not only did that, but she ended up married to the attorney he had and he was her divorce attorney. His ex girlfriend is married to wealthy woman and she made her sign an iron clad prenup. If she cheats she gets only the clothes on her back.
Sounds like something Carrick would create.
Ana L
Yes he is definitely a good attorney he is the go to attorney when you want loopholes cemented closed lol.
Well I need to get home before the boss and Jason arrive back from their trip. They will be exhausted and hungry. Well I will let you know when we are available okay?
Ana S
Yes please do, the driver loves the car by the way. Well see you later say hi to Jason from us please. Grandmother says bye and we head back to the car and are driven home. Grandma hasn't been feeling herself lately, but she doesn't want to bother anyone with minor problems.
Ana L
My energy is waning, I don't want to see the doctor because all he will tell me is I am old it's normal for me to tire easily as usual. So why keep paying him to say the same thing again. Ana says we should look at changing to a dr that treats older people and know more about ailments and can tell the difference between just getting older and something significant wrong. I told I would give it some thought. I might if remember to that is lol.
Ana S
Grandma was very tired after the trip to see Fred and went to lay down. She didn't want lunch first. I think she was missing him and grandpa. I have to make her something to eat and have her eat. Her appetite has diminished a bit. I really need to get her to the drs office preferably to one that will not just tell her she's getting old and feeling tired is normal. Now to get her to see a new dr.
I have been trying to get grandma to get out and walk for the last few weeks. She said that she was too tired each time. Even Gail has joined us while Sophie was at school. We had them over for dinner when Jason and his boss were gone for business. I still have no idea who they work for. I don't read the tabloids or really pay attention to news issues. The businesses and grand ma keep me on my toes. I finally got her to go to the new doctor, and he prescribed iron and calcium after a blood test. She was still getting exhausted from simple things. Her appetite has worsened, so I make her small meals and increased her favorite snacks.
Ana L
Ana is driving me and herself crazy with her concern for my health. I know my time is coming to an end. I have spoken to the attorney and am having everything transferred over to Ana for good. She has been working in the room next to mine so she can hear if I need anything. I need Ana to get a life outside of the companies and me. It's going to be hard on her when I die. Gail and Sophie are good friends, but she needs male friends or female and both. She needs a good man to love her or a good female. Then her own family to raise and love. I had my driver take me to the attorney to sign everything over to Ana. We also got my burial plans finalized. Everything is paid for and Ana won't have to do a thing. My clothing will go to nursing homes immediately after my burial. I told Ana I had a meeting with an old friend.
Ana S
Grandma slipped out and ran some errands, the driver said she was okay, just had some errands she wanted to do alone. She never does this, so I am a bit worried about her. I asked if she had her medicine with her?
Driver O'Shea
She took something before we left, unsure what it was but she ate a bit of toast to take it with if that helps. She's a bit tired, but we have her walker and I know where her drs office is just in case. She's busy in a meeting right now.
Ana L
I got up and walked about while the attorney made the appointment for the funeral home. She hated doing this behind my granddaughters back, but he understood. She said she had helped clients do the same thing and understood that loved ones after their loss can't think straight. So my day was busy getting all my affairs in order including paying for my funeral and giving my plot information to the attorney and the funeral director. Ana wouldn't be able to come with me to do this, she would be crying.

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