Christians Family

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Christian and I have been actually dating, so here we are at his parents house and about to go inside. His security and mine followed us here. I give my security the night off and so did Christian. I took three outfits on and off for about an hour. We are met at the door as a huge truck blocks Christians car from leaving.
I see Christian and a tiny brunette. She looks like he might be babysitting her from here she looks 12. She probably is 5 foot if that without those heels. I hop out and head towards them and whoa, he brought a date. Mom tells us to come inside.
I check this out and no one has told me the young lady's name yet. I finally introduce myself as Elliott teases Christian about his friend. Ana Steele looks quite young maybe 18 if that.
I look at the young lady and am not sure whose date she is. Elliott is not allowed to bring his friends with benefits to meet us after the last fiasco. I can't figure out why he brought the girl and I mean girl. She just turned 18 and thought we would allow her to drink alcohol. At our insistence he took her home and came back. It turns out Ana Steele is 22 and owns companies and lives across the street from Christian now. Christian is 28 so the age difference isn't bad. Her clothing looks like it's not any designer I ever saw.
Oh good night whoever is dating this girl needs to buy her better clothing so she can fit in with us Grey's. I join everyone and introduce myself to omg of all people Ana Steele. She smiles politely, but I see it, the look, the one that says it all. My friends and I tormented her at school all the time. Her family had money, but you couldn't tell it by the way they dressed or the cars they drove. She avoids engaging in conversation with me.
I don't think Mia and Ana like each other at all. Ana answers questions and speaks to the rest of us, but only gives short answers to Mia. Mia has invited a couple of her classmates for supper without asking. So we have two more 20 somethings joining us. A knock at the door tells me they have arrived.
Leila he is supposed to be here and Elliott is as well. The sports car is most likely his. Christian is still available. Let's knock on the door and be nice to their parents.
He better be here for your sake. I have tried to get in to see him, but he won't see me ever. I even told them Mia sent me, the guy called her and he found out Mia had nothing to do with me being there at all. Now they just ask me to leave his buildings.
Well I got you here, so I am off the hook now.
Hi we are about to eat, you are late. After this it's up to you. No more invites and Christian brought someone with him. Ana sucks a banana is here. He's her neighbor of all things and he brought her, so I think it might be more. I don't want her in the family, but I don't want either of you marrying my brothers. But at least you dress nicely. Come on in.
Oh crap, Kate Kavanagh and Leila Williams wicked gold digging bitches of Seattle Washington have just landed their brooms in our driveway.
It's females like these that I create iron clad prenuptial agreements. I hope they don't pick on Ana. Her parents had some talks to me about Mia and what she and these two did to her in school. It was very bad. So bad they nearly went to jail for it. Pushing her down a flight of stairs someone recorded them all three shoving her. Luckily a guy saved her from getting hurt seriously. The video made the internet. We had to pay for that and so did the Kavanagh and Williams families. A restraining order against the three didn't work out. We were the ones who punished Mia for her actions in it. But the Kavanagh and William families took another stance until legal action took place a d the girls were expelled all three of them and the person recording it. She apparently had no idea they were going to shove Ana down the stairs. We settled with Ana and her family. The videographer's family changed her schools and settled as well. The guy was Kates then boyfriend who saved Ana. He broke up with Kate immediately. The Kavanagh and Williams family paid a lot more along with legal fees and the judge wanted to incarcerate the girls. All three had to do community service for two hundred hours each and not together. They no longer could be in contact until they graduated high school. They could not go anywhere near Ana or her family. Now Christian brings her here, but he had no idea.
Dad looked at Mia and then at Kate and Leila and advised them to act like ladies and remember they are guest here. I looked at him, then Mia, Kate, and Leila. They were all giving Ana a dirty look. I reached over and took her hand and kissed her lips. First Mia and then Kate and Leila. I will find out what's going on soon enough. We head to the dining room and I sit Ana by me and my mom on the other side. I notice that Leila has sat by Ana,  dad is at the other end of the table facing mom. Elliott is sitting between Mia and Kate. I hear Leila tell Ana something under her breath.
I hear what Leila said and acted like I didn't just hear her tell me to get the f—k out of the Grey's home and to stop bothering Christian. She said it so I could only hear it. I look at her and say you need to repeat that Leila I have hearing issues in that ear from you hitting me there in high school.
I look at her and know she heard everything I said.
Yes Leila please repeat what you said some everyone else can hear what you said, because my hearing is very good and I heard it all. Want to tell me what makes you think you have the right to tell a guest in my home to leave and to stop bothering us again especially Christian?
Who the F—- do you think you are Leila? She's my girlfriend if you hadn't noticed. You think because Mia is a friend of yours that I am going to ask you out. I have better taste than to choose a gold digger over Ana. Mia I believe you need better friends than these two.
Language please and Mia you have a choice here, Leila is no longer welcome here and Kate I hope you don't feel the same way here. Because we all know you all three got off easy when you could have served jail time. It was because of Ana that you only did community service keep that in mind. Mia you and I will be having a long chat. Leila it's time for you to leave. Kate if you behave you can stay.
I am glad we came 8n separate cars now. Kate choosing to stay made me mad. Carrick announcing what I said to that little b—- makes me mad. He can't do anything when I catch up to her again.

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