"Tell me about it. Wave's so into music and DJing, she has me listen to her samples." Calex groaned, remembering the time Wave brust into his room at three a.m. to listen to her new mix. "Speaking of music. She emailed her lastest ones and wants me to listen to them immedailiy. I'll have to cut our time short."

Emi checked her phone to see Wave had called Calex, pretending to be back home with their parents. She wasn't sure if he had seen her with Emi, but wanted to make him think someone else had been with Emi by calling, just in case.

Kya checked to make sure they were alone, before gesturing towards the manison. The girls made their way inside. They decided to wait until Cam and Alexei arrived to discuss what just happened. Waiting for the guys, they busied themselves. Emi booted up Cam's new sub-hacking programs. She wanted to see if bit of data they'd gotten from Sector 5 could be used on the program. There wasn't enough to run the full program, but she was able to determine the data could increase the sub-hacking program's effeincy.

Kya hadn't brought anything to work on since she was suppose to hang out with Calex. Bored, she explored the library. They'd already searched the eastern side of the manison several times, but paid little attention to the library. Kya didn't know if this was because they spent more time in the library and by extension the library or they simply overlooked it.

She wasn't looking for anything in partulacir. They place had seen better days. It was cleaner than when they first started coming to the mansion. They could sit comfortably on the chairs and sofas without getting dusty. The selves were another story. Because most of their time was spent in the lab and the information needed on the supercomputer, they never took the time to check the selves or books.

Kya found herself peering at the selves, wondering who collected these books. Worn covers and dust made most unreadable. She didn't want to grab on and destroy it by mistake. Content borswing, she noticed a piece of paper widgeted between some books. Gently removing it, she saw it was a photo. A woman with purple hair smiled at two children. The children's faces' were unreconizgable due to being faded. Kya was able to make out the taller one was a boy and the shorter one a girl.

"This must've been the family that lived here." Kya looked closer for clues as to where the photo could've been taken.

"Hey Fancy Feet!" Alexei's voice startled Kya. "You ready?"

Kya quickly shoved the photo in her pocket. "Shut it, Alexei." She turned to see Alexei and Cam enter the library.

"Wow, two whole seconds. That's a new record." Cam shook his head. "Alexei could you not agiatie Kya? She's your only backup on Lyoko today."

Kya watched the two banter between each other, happy it was someone else dealing with Alexei. She let the best friends continue their back and forth as they made their way to the lab to meet up with Emi.


Cam POV:

"Not only did Calex find the mansion, but your friend as well Emi?" I asked, waiting to confirm the information. Someone stumbling upon the mansion isn't that concerning. It's an abandon building in the middle of a forest. People are bound to find it. The concerning part is that two students from Kanna and Kadic had found it. Students who are friends with Emi and Kya who want to explore inside the mansion.

"Yes, she was curious about the inside." Emi explained. "She'll probably want to come back and finish exploring."

"Same with Calex." Kya added. "He's determined to get inside. The locked and stuck doors didn't bother him."

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