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He was sitting right next to me. The boy who welcomed himself in my dreams last night. It makes me wonder if the encounter with the wolf was a dream as well. I do hope he was real, it would make me feel less crazy about myself. It also felt nice to talk... Even though it was to a wolf it is the most I have opened up in months.

Since he left...

I rolled my eyes as the silly annoying obnoxious boy next to me gave me a note. I took my earphones out and read the note with a frown.

Are you even paying attention to the teacher with that music playing?

-                Your knight in shining armour

I gave him a bored smiled and flicked the paper feeling accomplished as it landed perfectly in the bin. I continued to focus on my work and put my earphones in. Just because he was sitting next to me and trying to act like my 'friend'. Does not mean I am going to talk to him, I only agreed so he will leave me alone. Me ignoring him completely was working until another minute where he poked my shoulder.

I gave him a sharp glare but he pointed to the teacher. My cheeks flushed as I didn't realise the whole class staring at me.

"Miss Perez since you seem to be so on top of this topic. Can you please give me the answer?" Everyone gave me sympathetic looks and Xander was glaring at Mr Harris hard right now. Mr Harris though looked oblivious and had his whiteboard marker out for me to use. I looked at the question and sighed before getting up.

"Well Mr Harris, since you insisted I will be happy to oblige. The distance of the light that travels in 100 years is 5,870,000,000,000 x 100 miles. Which Mr Harris equals = 587,000,000,000,000, which overall as a formula is =587 x(10)12 ."I smiled sweetly then handed him back his marker. I rolled my eyes ignoring everyone's stunned expressions and sat back in my seat.

I gave Xander a dumbfounded look as he didn't stop staring at me. when the class ended I was thankful that my next lesson did not have Xander. So, it gave me a free chance to avoid him. I walked into Biology and saw Kate patting the seat next to her and waving at me to join her.

Would it be obvious if I acted like I couldn't see her and sat somewhere else?

"Hey Yara, sit next to me." I sucked in a breath and sat in the seat next to her. Eyeing the large buff male who was sitting next to her. Are all of the guys at this school on steroids why are they all looking like Greek gods. They make my last high school boys look like ugly apes. "Hi!"

"Hey girl, so good to see you! Your hair looks amazing!" Her voice was chirpy as ever. I don't think I have ever come across someone as happy as she. The guy next to smiled at her and kissed her cheek and whispered something into her ear making her giggle. "This is my ma-boyfriend Jake." He smiled at me and I nodded to him. "Hi."

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