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People are bought in the world to make a 'difference'

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People are bought in the world to make a 'difference'. The moment people are born they are held by their mother. The first moment in that person's life when they are born the first emotion is pain, sadness. When I was born, I was born with my best friend both of us sharing the same faces and eyes. From that moment our hearts were sealed to spend and share every moment together. Our first step, our first bath, our first friend, our first birthday, our first everything. We were meant to spend the rest of our lives hand in hand pranking others getting into trouble. But our forever was cut short and taken from us, and now I have to spend my forever alone.

"Hello," I cursed under my breath hearing mamma's-tired voice through the phone line. "Hey mamma, how are you?"

She sighed heavily in the phone making me feel even more guilty. "I am a bit tired. But I am ok now. I am here with Chuck." I clicked my tongue furrowing my eyebrows.

"Are you drunk mamma?" Her tired slurred voice groaned making me angrier by the minute. "No, I am not Yara I just had two glasses of wine. That isn't going to kill me." I sighed while brushing my curly hair with my fingers.

"I am sorry mamma, did you find a job?" I asked being hopeful. "Must you remind me of that Yara! But to answer your question no, no I didn't get a job." My breath hitched hearing her fiery tone.

"Mamma why won't you at least just let me get a job? I could just drop out of sch-." She cut me off hastily.

"Yara stop trying to teach me how to parent! I don't need my 17-year-old daughter lecturing me. I am the parent and you are my child. So, no Yara! You will not get a job because I only want you to focus on your career. Music and listening to that shit isn't going to get you anywhere in life except maybe a homeless shelter." Her slurred angry voice yelled at me over the phone line.

"Ma I-I- ."

"Look I have to go me and Chuck are going out with friends. Bye." I threw my phone at the wall not caring if it broke. I was angry, frustrated and tired.

Parents are supposed to be responsible... they are meant to be there for you through everything no matter what. But when things got hard and everything turn bad my parents just gave up. On life and me.

I walked through Aunt Linda's empty dark house feeling the depressing darkness resurfacing. I just need to get out of here, I need to leave. I didn't care that I was wearing my pyjamas. I grabbed my jacket and quickly put my sneakers on before going outside. It was dark outside but it wasn't late.

I ran down the street past the houses, past the tall trees, past the moonlight street lights. I ran into Forrest, not caring where I was going or what danger I was running into. I didn't care anymore I focused on the dirt path in front of me.

"hey Padawan, I was thinking about prom tonight and I-." I turned my face so he couldn't see me. But sadly that didn't really help me because my sniffles filled the quiet room.

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