Chapter 30

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Skystar gazed anxiously at the leader of SkyClan, her shoulders tensed as she finished explaining what happened with Bluestar. "We can't fight them without the strength of your warriors, Squirrelstar." She winced at the desperation in her voice, and she flattened her ears.

The dark ginger tabby tom's yellow eyes were dark with wonder and slight fear. "You say Bluestar has turned on her birth Clan and killed Copperstar?" He growled, his claws working against the dirt floor of his den.

Shadeheart nodded grimly. Skystar glanced at her medicine cat and flicked his side with her tail. He looked at Squirrelstar and his eyes flashed. "Copperstar killed Graystep," he told the tom and Pearfoot- the SkyClan medicine cat- looked at her paws. Grief thickened Shadeheart's voice as he went on. "He would've killed Flintheart if we didn't let him join WindClan, and who knows who else he's killed?"

Cinderlight clawed angrily at the ground, and Skystar couldn't help but twitch her tail tip. Would Squirrelstar team up with Bluestar instead of us? The thought seized her and she pictured the rest of her Clan- her family strewn across a blood-stained battlefield, the life draining from them. She shook her head to clear it, and looked at Squirrelstar. "We need you in this fight," her deputy mewed urgently. "Too many cats have lost their lives. This has to stop."

Squirrelstar gazed at Cinderlight, and bowed his head, his eyes flicking to Skystar. "SkyClan will fight with you," he meowed, and Skystar released the breath she didn't know she was holding in. "You're right that no more cats should die. Pearfoot, will you take these cats and get them something to eat? I'm sure they're hungry."

Pearfoot got to her paws and nudged Shadeheart with her bright pink nose. "Come on, I doubt you've ever tried a squirrel before!" She mewed, leading Cinderlight, Shadeheart, and Martenclaw out of Squirrelstar's den.

Skystar was about to follow her Clanmates, but Squirrelstar stood in front of her, blocking her way. She dipped her head respectfully to the older leader. "WindClan thanks you for deciding to help us," she meowed, meaning every word. "We can't do this without you."

Squirrelstar's eyes softened and he nodded. "Redstar was a dear friend of mine, despite quarreling over territory with him for seasons. I would do anything to help his Clan, even if my warriors will get hurt." He tipped his head to one side. "Are you only going to get us to help, or are you going to ask RiverClan and ShadowClan to help?"

"Just SkyClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan." She replied. "RiverClan is bound to team up with Bluestar; there's no doubt in my mind that they won't. If I can get ShadowClan with us, we might be able to put an end to Bluestar's plans."

"May StarClan light your path always, Skystar." The scars across Squirrelstar's broad face relaxed as he gave her a half-smile. "I'll talk to Vixenstar about teaming up, ShadowClan's territory is furthest from yours, so I'll handle her." Skystar dipped her head and Squirrelstar moved out of the way for her to exit the den. Before leaving, he meowed. "And, Skystar?" She turned around, ears twitching. "Redstar made the right choice when he chose you to become leader. Safe travels."


Skystar tucked into the rabbit outside her den with Cinderlight devouring a starling at her side. She took a bite and nearly cringed at the metallic taste of blood on her tongue. Forcing herself to chew and swallow, she gazed across the WindClan camp. Wispwren was coaxing Slatefall toward the fresh-kill pile for something to eat, Berrypaw and Snippaw were dutifully cleaning out the elder's den as Sloestrike told a story, and Twigflower was watching her kits playing outside the nursery. The camp was peaceful, more peaceful than it had been in a long time, and Skystar breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you sure this'll work?" Cinderlight mewed quietly around the bite of starling in her mouth. Skystar glanced over as her deputy's eyes glanced around at the serene camp, taking in every moment. "We could fail and we all could die."

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