Chapter 11

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"By the powers of StarClan, I grant you your warrior names." Redstar mewed at the top of the Fallen Tree as he looked down at the four apprentices. "From this moment on, you will be known as Bluefeather, Wispwren, Greenscar, and Skytail. StarClan honors your strength, courage, and determination and we welcome you all as full warriors of WindClan."

"Bluefeather! Wispwren! Greenscar! Skytail!"

Skytail turned to face her fellow warriors, her chest puffed out in overwhelming pride. All around her, her Clanmates cheered as the leafbare sun shone over their heads. It was the middle of the coldest season, and Redstar had talked to each of the mentors and concluded that their apprentices would be made warriors. Skytail couldn't have felt better as her Clan cheered her new name.

"Meeting dismissed," Redstar meowed and turned away, padding toward Morningshine where their kits were talking excitedly amongst themselves.

Sparkpaw bounded up to Skytail, her eyes bright with admiration. "Congratulations!" She meowed enthusiastically as she twitched her whiskers excitedly. "You're finally a warrior!"

Skytail looked at her trusting, happy face and let out a purr. "Yeah," she mewed happily and looked over at Bluefeather, Greenscar, and Wispwren. I've earned it, right?

Over four moons ago, when Sparkpaw became an apprentice and when Greenscar killed that ThunderClan warrior, Skytail forced herself to go through leafbare without complaining. More kits were born, filling up the nursery. As the older kits became apprentices, Skytail was glad to leave the crowded apprentice den. The new apprentices, Twigpaw, Eaglepaw, Furzepaw, and Haypaw were chattering amongst themselves, looking excitedly at the new warriors. They'd been made warriors a half-moon ago and Skytail felt a pang of affection as they met her eyes and beamed at her.

"Skytail?" Sparkpaw waved a paw in front of her face and Skytail jerked back to the apprentice. She wouldn't get her warrior name for moons, but Skytail was eager to see the she-cat get her full name.

"Sorry, yeah?" Skytail mewed apologetically as she dipped her head to Sparkpaw.

The younger she-cat was waving her tail to the prey-heap. As they headed over to the pile, Skytail caught sight of Darkfeather rubbing her muzzle against Brackenmist's cheek.

Their kits, Martenkit, Mistykit, Shellkit, Brindlekit, Weaselkit, Smokekit, Poppykit, and Graykit were chasing each other at their parents' paws. Skytail, along with the rest of the Clan, was shocked at how many kits Darkfeather had. It was unusual for a she-cat to have more than five kits in a single litter, but Darkfeather had eight.

"It was a hard birth," Softear had said after the kits had been born. "She's very weak, but she and her kits are okay."

Sparkpaw padded alongside Skytail as she bumped her side against the new warrior's. "How does it feel to be a warrior?" She asked curiously, her eyes wide.

Skytail let out a purr. "It feels great," she replied fervently, her eyes closing. When she opened her eyes once more, Sparkpaw was looking up at her with gentle blue eyes. "You'll be a warrior soon, too."

Sparkpaw let out a sigh and looked over at her father as Redstar talked to Logstorm. "Hopefully," she murmured. "Fernpaw and Slatepaw are already the senior apprentices, maybe he'll make them warriors so he can get to us quicker."

Skytail lapped at her head affectionately and gazed at her fondly. "Don't worry," she soothed as she padded by and picked up a rabbit. "When you're a warrior, everything will feel great. Your apprenticeship will feel like it went by quicker than it did."

Sparkpaw didn't look convinced, but she followed Skytail as she carried the prey to the top of the hill where they always ate. Settling down, they took turns in taking bites and talked about apprenticeships and becoming mentors.

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