Chapter 16

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"By the powers of StarClan, I grant you your warrior names." Redstar announced from the top of the Fallen Tree, his gaze resting on the apprentices clustered eagerly beneath him. "Myrtlepaw, you will now be known as Myrtlestorm. Parsleypaw, you will now be known as Parsleyfrost. Pigeonpaw, you will now be known as Pigeonpool. Sparkpaw, you will now be known as Sparkheart. Cloverpaw, you will now be known as Cloversong. And Briarpaw, you will now be known as Briarfern. The Clan honors all six of you and we welcome you all as full warriors of WindClan."

The Clan started to chant the new names of the new warriors, and Skytail tried to keep Featherkit from scampering up to Sparkheart. Her chest swelled with pride as she made eye contact with the new warrior, and love filled her from ears to tail tip.

"Sparkheart!" She called, her voice full of warmth and care.

When the Clan divided into groups, Skytail released her grip on Featherkit and the small cat darted forward, squealing in delight. Sparkheart grinned at the kit and crouched down, snarling playfully before chasing her back to Skytail.

Sparkheart bumped heads with her and purred loudly. "I made it," she mewed in an amused tone as she nuzzled Skytail's cheek with her nose.

"Yeah," Skytail purred, licking Sparkheart's cheek. Suddenly, she felt a lump grow in her throat and nervousness pricked her pads. "A-are we...?" She trailed off, unable to form the words.

Sparkheart gazed down at her with warm blue eyes and nodded, purring loud enough to alert every rabbit on the moor. "Yes," she breathed and touched her cheek against Skytail's.

Skytail felt her paws fizzle with excitement as she pressed hard against Sparkheart, feeling a purr growing in her throat. "I love you so-"

"Sparkheart," Bluefeather's mew cut Skytail off and they broke apart. Skytail caught her friend's eye and tensed, seeing something dark in their blue depths.

"Bluefeather," Sparkheart responded, her voice tight and Skytail pressed her side against her, eyeing Bluefeather warily. "What can I help you with?"

Bluefeather flashed a look at Skytail before clearing her throat. "Just wanted to congratulate you for becoming a warrior," she replied coolly. "And, Logstorm wants to speak with you."

Sparkheart nodded slightly and turned, locking her gaze with Skytail's. "I'll be right back," she promised and bounded away.

Once she was gone, Bluefeather twitched her ear. "Is she always that clingy?" She asked, looking at Skytail with a frown on her face.

"She's a good cat, Bluefeather." Skytail's voice was icy cold, and Bluefeather's body stiffened with shock. "You could learn a thing or two about being a good cat."

"I could say the same about you," hissed Bluefeather in return, her eyes flashing. "Not showing up to Darkfeather's vigil? Seems rather fishy."

Skytail's tail bushed out and her neck fur bristled. "I went to find Sparkheart, and I did." She growled, her claws unsheathing and digging into the ground. "I grieve for Darkfeather as much as any cat, she was my mentor."

Bluefeather shook her head and Skytail narrowed her eyes. "Breezeblaze didn't show up for her vigil either," she meowed in a low voice, her eyes darting around. "And you don't see him anywhere, do you?"

Cold unsettlement hardened in Skytail's belly as she realized Bluefeather was right. She hadn't seen Breezeblaze since they'd brought Darkfeather's body back to the camp. Since I'd gone out searching for Sparkheart. "He's probably just hunting." She mewed, her voice dismissive, when she was trembling inside.

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