Chapter 28

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"Like this?" Berrypaw leaped into the air and swiped a paw upward, twisted, and landed on all fours, panting slightly. "Did I do it right this time?" She asked.

Cinderlight nodded and flicked her tail. "You did it perfectly, Berrypaw." She complimented and looked over at Swiftpaw, who was chatting with Beetlepaw. "Isn't that right, Swiftpaw?" She prompted, her ears twitching with irritation.

The pale-ginger tom flinched and looked over at the older she-cat, his pelt prickling with embarrassment. "Er, what, Cinderlight?"

The senior warrior sighed and lashed her tail once. "You need to pay attention, Swiftpaw." She meowed sternly, her voice thick with annoyance. "One wrong move in a battle can mark you forever."

Swiftpaw flattened his ears and ducked his head. "Yes, Cinderlight." He mumbled and Beetlepaw snickered from beside him.

Cinderlight's eyes narrowed. "Why don't you spar against me, Beetlepaw." She suggested and the small tabby tom looked taken aback. Her tail flicked invitingly and Berrypaw cheerily padded toward Carrotpaw and sat down, watching curiously. "Face me and get ready." She warned and when Beetlepaw sent a glare over at Swiftpaw, she darted forward and rammed her paws into the apprentice's chest, driving him backward.

Beetlepaw gasped and staggered, eyes flashing with confusion. Shaking his head, he readied himself. Cinderlight barely looked bothered as she lunged for him again, this time swiping at his shoulder and as he feigned to the left, she tackled his side and flattened him to the ground.

While he spluttered and writhed beneath her, Cinderlight had no problem pinning him to the ground and keeping him there. Beetlepaw tried to kick at her belly, but eventually gave up.

"And that is why you pay attention," the light gray moor-runner meowed and let Beetlepaw up, watching as he scrambled to his paws. After a moment, she turned to Carrotpaw and Rowanpaw. "Since you two are the oldest apprentices, you will spar for your final assessment tomorrow. Everyone else will pair up with your mentor and spar."

Skystar leaned over and whispered in Sparkheart's ear, making it twitch. "Carrotpaw and Rowanpaw will be made warriors soon. We'll have to take a trip to Pepper's barn and tell her and Ebony about their kits."

Sparkheart nodded, her eyes still dull. "They'll be excited about their kits being warriors. There was a note of pain and sadness in her voice, and Skystar realized she hadn't told her about making Feathersong a warrior. I'll tell her now then.

Turning to the other cats, she raised her voice. "I need to speak to Sparkheart alone," she meowed, gaining the attention of the others. "Berrypaw and Swiftpaw, you will face each other whle we're gone." Before any cat could object, Skystar led Sparkheart down the hill and made sure the training warriors and apprentices couldn't hear.

"What's the matter?" Sparkheart asked, turning her head to watch as Skystar stopped and looked at her mate. Worry flashed in Sparkheart's blue gaze and she took a step toward the leader. "Is everything alright?"

Skystar raised her head and met her mate's gaze, her mouth growing dry. How do I tell her about seeing our daughter? "Y-you know about Featherpaw...right?" She began hesitantly, nearly choking on the wave of grief that nearly carried her off her paws.

Raw emotion sharpened Sparkheart's eyes and she nodded stiffly. "Of course I do," she meowed tightly. "I was there. Why? Is there something wrong? What aren't you telling me?"

"I-I saw Featherpaw last night," Skystar blurted out, and watched the shock and pain grow on the red tabby she-cat's face. "She came to me on the moor. A-and..."

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