Chapter 13

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"From this moment on, you will be known as Marshfrost." Redstar declared, resting his chin on the new warrior's head. "StarClan honors your bravery and determination and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan."

Marshfrost bent his head down respectfully and gingerly licked Redstar's shoulder before stepping back. His head was high and his brown eyes gleamed with pride as his snow-white fur glistened in the weak leafbare sun.

Juniperpaw- no, Juniperblaze, since a few heartbeats ago- stood beside his brother, his chest puffed out in pride. Skytail glowed with pride for her brothers, astonished at how quickly they were accepted and trusted by the entire Clan.

Not only did Marshfrost have Fawndust mooning over him, but Slatefall was starting to warm up to Juniperblaze in the recent moons. Skytail was glad that even though all three of them were born outside of the Clans, they were accepted and cared for by their moorland Clanmates.

"Juniperblaze! Marshfrost! Juniperblaze! Marshfrost!" Skytail called. Sparkpaw, who was sitting next to her, took up the chant, and together, they got the whole Clan to cheer for the two new warriors.

Redstar dipped his head to the Clan and flicked his tail. "Meeting dismissed," he meowed and turned away, padding toward where Morningshine was waiting with Cloverpaw and Briarpaw.

Sparkpaw nudged Skytail's shoulder with her nose. "Maybe now Fawndust will become Marshfrost's mate," she joked and Skytail purred with amusement.

"Hey!" Skytail turned around to see Bluefeather trotting up to them. Sparkpaw's neck fur began to bristle as she approached and Skytail twitched her ear.

"What's up?" She asked. Sparkpaw shot her a scorching look before stalking away to join her father, mother, and littermates as they talked by the leader's den. Skytail watched her go, her tail flicking in confusion.

"We need to talk," Bluefeather meowed, her voice serious as she fixed Skytail with her ominous blue stare. Skytail stiffened before nodding. Bluefeather turned around and led the way to the warrior's den and leaped over the gorse barrier that ringed around the camp. Skytail followed, hesitating to leap over the wall, but she cleared it in a single bound.

"What's so important to talk about that we can't talk in the camp?" Skytail asked sarcastically as Bluefeather stopped, turned, and faced her. She halted, her pelt bristling as she looked into Bluefeather's blazing eyes.

Bluefeather lashed her tail as her claws unsheathed, plucking the ground. "Are you out of your mind?" She demanded furiously, eyes narrowed into slits.

"That's a bit forward, don't you think?" Skytail snorted with a lash of her tail, her nose wrinkling.

"Not helping Wispwren with her kits?" The dark-furred she-cat snapped angrily. Skytail bristled with indignation and she bunched her muscles, preparing for whatever Bluefeather would do to her. "Are you crazy?"

"It's not like I don't want to help her," Skytail retorted hotly. "I don't know what to do with kits that aren't mine." Her tail lashed back and forth as Bluefeather snarled.

"And yet you mess around with Sparkpaw," sneered Bluefeather with a curl of her lip. Skytail blinked in surprise, but narrowed her eyes with a growl. "Don't think I haven't seen the two of you flaunt around like you own the camp."

Skytail scoffed. "You've got to be kidding, Bluefeather." She eyed her friend with a flick of her ear. "I'm the one who goes around like I own the camp? Are you stupid, blind, or both?"

Bluefeather took a stride toward her and squared her shoulders. "What are you talking about?" She challenged. "You go around with an apprentice constantly at your side, nagging you on and on without stopping."

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