Chapter 3

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The familiar dusty scent of the barn filled Sky's nostrils as she opened her eyes. Claws gripped her heart as she realized where she was. Marsh and Juniper were curled in a heap of fur as they snored and Cherry and Maple were sleeping in the same hay nest. Sky let out a sigh and rose to her paws, stretching luxuriously before padding out of her hay nest. Her pelt crawled with discomfort as she leaped down from the hayloft and landed heavily and she stifled a yelp.

In the few days after she returned to her family, Sky felt sorrow prick her pelt every time she remembered the cats who cared for her when she was injured. I wish Bluepaw agreed to meet me, she thought with a sigh. She headed out of the barn and looked over at the trees. Before she knew it, she was racing through the forest and ran towards the moorland.

Where am I going? She wondered as she exploded from the trees and headed towards the moor. Her paws skimmed over the grass as it sloped down and she skidded to a halt at the stream, panting hard and staring up at the hills. What am I doing? She stumbled away from the water, head spinning. I can't go onto their territory. I'd be killed!

"Sky?" A familiar voice caught on the wind and she looked up to see Bluepaw trotting down the slope, her blue eyes wide with surprise and concern. "What are you doing here?" Her tone wasn't threatening, but there was a hint of tension crackling in her mew.

Sky felt her muscles tense at the sight of her friend. Are we friends? She searched the apprentice's gaze as she came closer and nearly dropped her head in shame. "I wanted to see the sunrise," she lied.

Bluepaw's eyes sparkled with stars and Sky felt her heart lift. "I know the best place to watch it," she meowed, then looked passed the barn cat. "Are you sure? You could be caught talking to me." Worry flittered across her face and Sky purred inwardly.

"It's okay." Sky leaped across the stream and touched noses with Bluepaw, releasing a sigh she didn't know she was holding in. "I'll make it home and hunt on the way."

Bluepaw nodded and twitched her whiskers to a far rise just a few tree-lengths away. "Up there is a willow tree that's been there for generations," she meowed and started towards it, Sky on her heels. "You can get a good view on one of the branches."

Fear suddenly engulfed her heart at the thought of being high above the ground. "Is it a higher branch?" She asked hesitantly, glancing nervously at the WindClan she-cat.

To her relief, Bluepaw shook her head. "No. It's actually one of the lower branches. But," she looked over at Sky. "It is kinda high. Don't worry; no cat has fallen off or been injured for seasons."

Sky nodded, satisfied and they padded side by side in silence as they reached the top of the hill that overlooked the moor. "Wow," she breathed, staring at the vast hills and ravines. "It's amazing."

"WindClan owns it all," Bluepaw mewed proudly, puffing out her chest. "Follow me and I'll help you to the branch." Turning swiftly, she trotted to the trunk of an ancient willow tree that seemed to touch the clouds. She wants me to climb that? Sky thought in dismay, peering up the twisting, winding branches.

As Bluepaw approached the tree, Sky called to her. "Are you sure it's safe?" She meowed anxiously, watching as Bluepaw slid out her claws and prepared to leap at the bark. "What if you fall?"

Bluepaw looked at her over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. "You worry more than Darkfeather!" She teased and sprang at the tree, paws outstretched.

Sky's eyes widened and she let out a yelp of alarm as her friend dug her claws into the wood. She watched in fear and anxiety as Bluepaw scrambled up the trunk. Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall! She thought as Bluepaw slithered onto a branch, panting. Her eyes were bright as she looked down at Sky.

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