Chapter 4

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Sky stalked up the hill that led into WindClan's territory. The scratches along her flank and muzzle burned like fire and she longed to rake her mother's face and shredding her ears. I hope WindClan doesn't send me away, she thought as she padded up the slope that overlooked the hollow where the Clan resided. I don't know where I'll go if I do.

She headed down towards the gulley and recognized Silversong and Lakespots guarding the hollow. She gulped as she strode towards them. Both she-cats bared their teeth but, seeing it was Sky, flattened their ruffled fur.

"What are you doing here?" Hissed Lakespots as she watched Sky through narrowed eyes. Her eyes rested on her scratches and she rose to her paws. "Come with me, I'll take you to Softear." As the moor runner led the way through the camp entrance, Sky felt her fur prickle as heads turned to stare at them.

"That's that barn cat from a few days ago," whispered Breezeblaze in Rainstream's ear as her and Lakespots passed.

"Look at her wounds," murmured Bluetail as she shared a rabbit with Logstorm. "Who did that?"

"Why is she here?" Called the hostile voice of Greenpaw as the apprentice stalked up to the two she-cats. The tom's green eyes were narrowed into slits as he stood in the way of the two cats. "You can't come in whenever you want just because Softear treated your injuries. Leave before we make you, kittypet."

Sky felt her fur bristle with indignation as she faced the apprentice. Her claws slid from their sheaths as she curled her lip in an angered snarl. "I'm not a kittypet, Greenpaw." She spat back.

Greenpaw sneered in her face, baring his teeth. "You live in a twoleg barn, right? You're a kittypet through and through." He taunted.

Sky crouched down, prepared to spring at the apprentice. "I'll show you how a kittypet fights!" She hissed and sprang, claws outstretched. Greenpaw's eyes widened for a heartbeat before they narrowed and he feinted to the side and raked his claws across her flanks as she went by.

"I'll shred you with my claws sheathed!" He snickered and Sky spun around, snapping her teeth at his tail. Greenpaw yelped and reared on his hind legs, swatting at her ears.

Sky snarled and sank her teeth into his forepaw. The anger and betrayal from her argument with Cherry flooded her veins and a red haze blocked her vision. She dug her hind claws into the ground as she reared up, slashing at Greenpaw's face as she yowled in defiance and anger.

Paws slammed into her side and she was thrown clear from Greenpaw and she hit the ground with a thud before scrambling to her paws. The red haze vanished and she breathed hard as Greenpaw let out a wail of pain, his paws covering his face.

"M-My eyes!" He cried in agony. "I-I can't see!"

"Sky!" Bluepaw's voice dragged the she-cat from her feelings of horror and she looked up, seeing the she-cat hurrying towards her. Bluepaw pressed against her side as Bluetail led a whimpering Greenpaw into Softear's den. "What are you doing here?"

"She can tell us later, Bluepaw." Meowed Redstar as he came out of his den, fur ruffled as though he were mid-groom. "Take her to Softear then bring her into my den. I'm sure you're hungry Sky, but we have much to discuss."

Sky nodded feebly to the leader as he turned to Sloestrike as the deputy jogged up, glaring at the loner. Bluepaw rasped her tongue over Sky's ears as she guided her after Greenpaw and Bluetail.

"That was quite the move," the apprentice whispered as they limped inside. Sky saw Greenpaw lying pitifully in a nest lined with sheep wool. She felt a pang of satisfaction as he whimpered in pain while Shadepaw applied cobwebs. "Who taught you that?"

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