The Test..

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(Y/n)'s pov-

Izuku and I walked into the school amazed at how big it was in the inside, not like it wasn't already huge outside the building. We both looked at eachother and instantly got excited, finding ourselves running to our classes not wanting to wait for our training to begin. We both rushed down the halls to our class, 1A, the best class you could get in. Since my father was the best hunter in history they accepted me, I may have been secretly learning a thing or two by my father while my step-mother was not around. I almost beat him in a sword fight multiple times before, so I'm confident that I will be acceptable, kinda.

Izuku and I walked in and saw a few people sitting on the floor, waiting for instructions. All were talking except for one, he had indigo hair and elf-shaped ears. Izuku walked off to speak to some other chick he bumped into while following me to the front of the school, so I decided to talk to the indigo haired boy. I walked over to him and sat right beside him, he didn't notice I was next to him. "Hey, little elf."

I smile at him when he jumped, facing me. "E-elf?! lit-tle..? W-what?" I giggle at his confusion as he started to get red.

"A-ah, S-sorry! so embarissing..." he mumbled at the end trying to hide his face in the scarf he had on. "Why are you apologizing? I should be saying sorry for making you jump like that!" I put my hand out for him to shake, "The names (Y/n) (L/n), and you are?"

He hesitantly shook my hand and answered, "I-I'm Tamaki A-Amajiki, just c-call me Tamaki." We both stopped shaking our hands and let go. "O-or w-whatever you wa-nna call me!" he raised his voice a bit in a panic for some reason.

"Whatever you want me to call you, I don't want you to be uncomfortable with me calling you by a random nickname I gave you." I said giving a small smile. "T-tamaki.." he turns, facing forward and looking down, smiling lightly still with a little pink on his cheeks. "Okay, well, nice to meet you Tamaki, Hope we can be good friends!" He looked over and nodded, his cheeks a little bit more pink than before.

A few more minutes pass by and the tired trainer from before walked in. "Settle down, everyone." The room got queit almost instantly. "Call me Mr. Aizawa, to keep this short and sweet, today I will be testing your abilities. And, whoever has the lowest score on this test will be kicked out of DHS (dragon hunter school) (..well thought out name, I know 😌).

"So, you better do your best to stay in this school." It wasn't long till the room tensed up. "All of you willing to try and pass, follow me." I'm surprised everyone is taking this kicked out thing seriously, he may have only a bored expression, but something tells me he isn't serious about it...I call his bluff. He took us all to the back of the school where there was a forest with multiple trails.

"You all better pay attention, I'm only saying this once. In this part I'm testing you on, you will be playing a little game." Everyone around looked kind of confused till someone with blue hair and glasses raised his hand. "Sir, aren't we supposed to be tested? We shouldn't waste time playing a game."

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