There's No Way (part 1)

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(Y/n)'s Pov-

We arrived at the arcade earlier than expected and bought our separate coins to spend. Most of the time was spent competing against each other and betting money on who'd win. By the time it was 8:40 we got our prizes and Todoroki got a lot of cash, almost making Izuku and I broke. He is a smart cookie, he's a tough one to beat in bets. We all then went to the store for both of the boys' needs.

I decided to look around to see somethings I'd want, I ended up buying a lot of snacks and drinks for a potential sleepover later if anyone was up for it. Once I bought my stuff, I went looking for the other two. "Hey, you guys did?" I found them both looking at some weapon parts. (I know this is a safety hazard, leave me be;-;) "Yeah, we are just looking at some weapon parts."

Todoroki said to me, monotone. "What for? Doesn't the school provide weapons?" Todoroki just nodded as Izuku explained. "They do, we just want an idea on how we want to design our suits."

Izuku continued, "Mr. Aizawa assigned us to make a suit for ourselves and the school will take care of the rest. I was going to tell you yesterday, but you were gone all day." I looked over to the weapon parts, it was silent for a little till I asked them a question. "You guys wanna sleepover at my dorm tonight? Maybe we can help each other out with our suits, I bought a lot of snacks."

They both agreed with the idea and they bought the stuff they had before we left to go back to school. Once we got back, all of us went our separate ways to put up our stuff. I put all the snacks in a little box next to a mini-fridge the school provided. I put the beverages in the mini-fridge and cleaned up my room a little before meeting up with the two boys at the school entrance. "What's next?"

Izuku asked. "The café, I believe," Todoroki answered, a slight smile on his face as we started walking. "Is that a smile I see?" I said dramatically as I continued.

"I never knew you could smile, looks good on you!" Izuku laughed at my action, Todoroki on the other hand wasn't phased by it. "I like cafés, what can I say." His smile got a little bit bigger once he said that, it's nice to see him have some emotions. We reached the café that Todoroki suggested, it was small with beautiful plants growing on the outside.

All three of us stood outside, mostly Izuku and I just staring at how beautiful the building looks as Todoroki's smile never faded. "They have amazing cold soba here, you guys should try it." I smiled and looked at him. "Well, I know what I'm getting, what are we waiting for? let's go in!"

The three of us entered the small café and it was just as pretty as the outside. A waiter welcomed us and led us to a table next to a big window that has a nice view of the outside. Once we figured out what we wanted, the waiter came by again to take them, leaving when they got the order. The cold soba was amazing as Todo said, it seems like he loves food a lot since all he could talk about was recommending other foods and places to go next time we hung out. After finishing our food, we all paid for our separate meals and went on our way to the next stop, the bar!

On our way there, it got dark pretty quickly. It took about half an hour or less to get there from the café, it was around 4:28 p.m. when we got there. When I entered I got hit by the strong smell of alcohol, it was a way bigger bar than the one I got banned at. It was packed full of people, they even had a stage with band members performing. I sat down on one of the bar stools, along with Todo and Izu, and ordered some water.

Someone sat beside me, I paid no attention to them and took a sip of my drink. "Hey there!" I look over to a blonde with a black bolt in his hair, 'Kaminari!' "Hello.." I responded, this guy has been gone for over a month because he wanted to pick up a girlfriend, he's either crazy or stupid, possibly both. He tells the bartender to get two drinks for him.

"So, you come here often?" I asked him if he does then maybe I can find the hero boy and tell him where he is. "Yeah, I heard a while back that there are a lot of hot chicks here, I know now what I heard was right because I'm talking to a very hot one right now." That, for me, made me feel a little bit awkward by the compliment. "Oh?"

He grinned and nodded. Time to change this uncomfortable subject. "I was looking for you." He looked confused as I continued. "I bumped into one of your friends and they were looking for you, he's worried."

I explained as he put one of his elbows on the bar table to prop up his head, fully facing me. "-He says you've been gone for over a month, just to find a girl. I'm sorry, but-" I pause for a minute thinking if I should nag or not. "What the hell were you thinking?! Leaving for over a month just to find a girlfriend, leaving one of your friends worried, and on top of that, you haven't contacted at all for over those months!"

He makes an upset face, he almost looked like a sad puppy. "But-" I cut him off before he could finish. "You boke!-" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Todoroki. "Hey, Denki, nice to see you again."

"Hey, Todoroki!" He smiled at him. "(Y/n), why don't you go find Kirishima while he's still here?" I gave a pouting face and quickly got up and left, I looked back before exiting the bar to see Todoroki nagging, making me smirk a little on the way out. I exited the building and noticed it was snowing out, the ground was covered with a light coat of snow and is a little bit slippery.

I started walking with my head a little bit down, and my hands on my arms, trying to warm up a little from the cold night. "How do I even find Kirishima?" I mumbled to myself till I heard someone talk behind me. "Hey, princess! Looking for me?"

I jumped and turned around, looking at Kiri. "What- how-" He gave a smile and put his hand on the back of his neck. "Ah, I, uh- I just saw you walking out of the bar not too long ago and wanted to greet you." I regained my composure and told him the good news. "I found your friend, he's in the bar I went out of, he's currently getting an ear full by Todoroki."

"Thank you so much for your help! It means a lot." His smile got brighter than before. "No problem.." I feel uneasy in a way from how he came out of nowhere, no one was near the whole area was empty. I let it go since nothing seems off about him in any way, if he's a dragon I'd notice from the aura around him, he's human there's no way he's a dragon.

-End of part 1-

(A/n)- Merry Christmas!! I was too busy on this part of the story to do a Christmas special chapter, BUT! On my other story I do have a Christmas special, so if you wanna read my other story, go ahead! This part was rushed so sorry it isn't as good. Have a wonderful holiday, weirdos!🎉❤️

word count- 1358

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