"We Need To Talk..."

270 14 1

(I love this song 🥺)

(Y/n)'s Pov-

After I caught my breath, I got up and got ready for training. Once arriving at the classroom, I sat down next to Tamaki, his face tinted with pink when he noticed me. "Hey, Tamaki! how did you sleep?" I said, trying to start up a conversation while waiting for Mr. Aizawa.

"I- I slept o...okay....how about y-you?" He responded, looking away while his face got more red. "Same here," I commented before Mr. Aizawa walked in, making everyone go quiet and put their attention on him. "Now that everyone is quiet, we will start our lesson." He gave a lecture about dragons and such, explaining that not all are evil yada yada yada...

Of course, I still disagree with him, I thought about our last chat and I just can't bring myself to think all are not evil. Until I see a dragon that has a heart, I'm still going to hate them for what they did to my mother and others. My father said I shouldn't get caught up in hate, it only leads to a bigger problem. To be honest, I don't understand it, I've heard of his stories, one was how he had a grudge against his old friend or enemy- at this point, I don't know if they are friends or enemies- for his greed and booze addiction. His frienemy liked to steal from people, and would always tell lies about how brave he was, defeating every evil dragon he crossed.

Only in reality was he a coward that lost his sight, as well as one of his limbs just to be in the spotlight. It wasn't by a dragon, but my father that did that to him, he didn't mean any harm. Even though his friend came at him first, from jealousy, my father got blamed, and now has a terrible injury that still affects him today. That was one of the reasons why he retired from being a hunter. "(Y/n)."

All that was 34 years ago, though. "..(Y/n)..." I almost feel bad for-. "(Y/N)!" I looked up to Mr. Aizawa who looked a little annoyed.

"Can you answer the question?" He crossed his arms, waiting for an answer. I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked at Tamaki, he mouthed the answer, still not making eye contact with a blush on his face that never seems to fade. I looked back at Aizawa and answered him, he crossed his arms while letting out a low grunt and continued teaching. I looked at Tamaki again and smiled at him, this time he was looking at me and smiled back with a little bit more blush on him.

Not long after, the class ended. As people started to gather their things to get to their other classes, Mr. Aizawa stopped them for a minute. "Before you all leave, I want everyone to know we have an upcoming event. there are already posters of the event in the hallway so I won't go into much detail, make sure to read one of them. You all are now dismissed."

"-Except..(Y/n)," He said at the last minute, I stayed behind. Before Tamaki and Izuku left, they gave me a worried look, like I was in trouble, I just gave them a reassuring smile while they left. Once everyone was gone, I walked up to Mr. Aizawa's desk, him sitting on the other side. "Did you think it over? I'm going to take it as a yes since you spaced out in class."

If I say I still feel the same way, will he get me kicked out? Should I lie? No, lying gets me nowhere. "Yeah, I have... and I still believe in what I think, and till you have proof to prove me wrong, then I'm not going to think any different." All he did was give me a nod.

before standing up and started moving papers to his desk. "Well, I don't expect you to believe me, and I won't force you to... and trust me, you already have, you just don't know yet." He smiled while placing the last pile of papers on his desk. "That was all I wanted to talk about, you can head to your next class." I nod, a little confused about what he meant about 'I already have, I just don't know yet'.

I just headed to my next class, trying to not think about it much. To my dismay, I did, I thought about it for the rest of my classes. Have I met a dragon? Then why didn't I notice? It's easy to tell you is human and who's not, but the question is, who is it?

I already have my suspicions about Kirishima, but what if it isn't him, then what? I sigh at the thoughts running through my mind, surely it would give me a migraine later. 'Maybe I should try and find Kiri...' I thought to myself as I walked to my dorm. 'But how, It's too late to start looking, plus since he found Kaminari, I doubt he is still in this area.' I continued my thoughts once I reached my room, entering it, setting my stuff down, and walked out to the balcony near my bed.

(Did I mention (Y/n) had a balcony? If not, oops.) 'He appeared out of nowhere when I said his name aloud, maybe...' I stopped my train in thought, shaking my head. 'That's stupid, it only happened once, it was just perfect timing, is all.' I sigh once more before deciding to give it a try. "...Kiri..." I waited for about 10 minutes before giving up. 'That was stupid, why did I even think of that-' I felt a rush of cold air abruptly hit my exposed skin, giving me goosebumps.

'I should go in-' I turned to bump into something...warm? "Hey, princess!" I look up and back away quickly in shock that it worked. "y-you... h-here...I-" He chuckles a little. "Sorry if I scared you, did that last time as well, I'll try not to if there's a next time!"

He smiles at me while rubbing the back of his head. "-Which I think there will be." I just stood there in shock for a minute or two before talking again.

"We...need to talk."

(A/n)- I'm so sorry this is late!!! I have a 3 hour long class period so I decided to get this out as fast as possible! I'll get the next chapter out as soon as possible! Hope you enjoyed this chapter anddddd time for me to leave, cya weirdos :)

word count- 1124

Mʏ Tʀᴇᴀsᴜʀᴇ~ (dragon kirishima x dragon hunter reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें