Go Get Your Girl!

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Kirishima's Pov-

"Come on, she is totally into me, it's obvious!" Denki says with an eye closed smile, sitting on the couch and looking back at Mina, Sero, and me. "She sounds nice, I wanna meet her too! We should visit her, we need more girls around here!" Mina says excitedly.

"I'm kinda interested in meeting her as well, we should go see her one day," Sero adds in. "I don't know about that, she isn't too friendly to our kind," I say looking down at my glass, moving the liquid around. "What, but she is so nice to you, from what I can tell, at the bar!" Denki looked at me surprised. "That was before I told her."

I sigh at the thought of last night, seeing her cry made my chest feel heavy. I met her not too long ago, why do I feel attached to her in some way? We are just acquaintances, nothing more than that. What am I saying, It's the manly thing to do when someone is upset! Thinking that way wasn't me at all, nothing to question.

It's just me being nice to someone who needed a shoulder to cry on! Of course, I'm going to feel bad no matter if we're acquaintances or not. I don't know what I was thinking- or overthinking- that is. "Well, then that won't stop me from talking to her again!" Denki says in a determined tone, taking out of my thoughts.

"She'll know you're one too, Denki!" Mina yells at him from the kitchen. I was so caught up in thought I didn't notice Sero left and Mina moved. "Hey, where'd Sero go?" I yelled to Mina as Denki got off the couch and went to the kitchen, cup in hand.

Mina came out with a plate of food and got ready to stuff her face. "The 'king' needed him for something." She then stuffs her face full of food, after she finished swallowing she spoke again. "Oh, speaking of that girl you two met, I'm sure she'll come around! You can't hate someone forever, am I right?"

"Yeah, you're right." I smiled at her before getting up. "I should get going, I think I took a long enough break." I walk to the exit and leave the room, before the door shut Mina and Denki yelled. "Go get your girl on the way back, Knight in shining armor!" "Hey!"

I chuckle as I hear Denki yell at her while walking away, going to my post for the rest of the day.

(Y/n)'s Pov-

I got up, stretched, and yawned before getting ready for school. Once I got everything together, I left for class. Just in a few days, there's going to be a trip. I can't wait!

(A/n)- my deepest apologies for the long wait as well as this chapter being a short one and uneventful. Life is getting harder, especially when I'm sick and have tons of work, so I will try my best to update sometime during the week to make up for last weekend.

word count- 518

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