Don't Overthink It, Me!

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(Y/n)'s Pov-

"I-I..." I stutter, not being able to answer. "Y-You're close, maybe we should put some space in between us." I chuckle nervously. "I agree, so, are you going to answer me now, or do you wanna stay like this till you do?"

"I- I still think of your kind as enemies, and there is nothing you can do to change that!" I scowl at him as I try and loosen his grip but failing. He looked a little hurt and sighed before letting me go and getting up. I felt my heart drop in my chest, why do I feel bad for saying something I shouldn't feel bad about? Kirishima walks to the balcony door, I could see his wings were small, and his tail was out.

"I'll get going then, call for me if you decide to reconsider it." He said while opening the door and walking out. His wings then grew to huge ones quickly and kiri disappeared into the sky. I looked at where he once was before noticing tears falling from my eyes. "ugh, the moonlight is too bright..."

I said aloud to give an excuse for my crying. I then get up and close the balcony door before getting ready for bed. While I was getting ready, the feeling of regret never left me for some reason. After getting in bed, it took what felt like forever to get to sleep for the night.

I woke up and hit my alarm with a whine and got up to get ready for school. I sluggishly packed up my notebook and other important things before getting into uniform. After getting myself together I tiredly walked to class, trying to stay awake along the way. Once I got to the class I quickly sat at the same spot I always do, scaring Tamaki a little when I quickly sat down like a falling sack of potatoes.

"Are... Y-you okay, (Y-Y/n)?" He hesitantly asked me. "I'm okay, just tired." I reassuringly smile at him before noticing Momo stopping in front of me.
"Hey...(Y/n), Can I speak to you for a minute...outside?"

I nodded before I got up and followed Momo out of the training room. "I walked by your room last night and heard you crying... I just wanted to check in on you, and see if you are okay." To be honest, I'm feeling terrible about everything from last night and I still don't know why. Why are feelings so complicated? "I'm fine, I just had a nightmare and woke up crying, that's all."

I couldn't even tell the truth to her, good job me! Momo sighs in relief at my answer. "Good... well, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'll be here for you." She smiles at me. "We should get back before the teacher finds us gone."

Momo nods in agreement and we quickly get back to class to wait for our teacher to arrive. Shortly after we settled in our spots, the teacher entered. Everyone went quiet, awaiting instruction. "I'm sure you all are aware of the event taking place next week, if not, then I guess I have no choice but to explain it." He sighs before continuing.

"The event taking place soon will be like a field trip. We will meet with some hunters to discuss important things you should know as well as train you to improve your physical wellness. Now that that is out of the way, go run 20 laps around the back of the school. After everyone is done, wake me up." Almost the whole class groans while getting up and getting ready to walk out to the back of the school.

Once everyone left for the back of the school, I heard someone call my name. I turn to see leaf boy catching up to me me. "Hey! What's up?" I replied with a smile.

"Want to run together?" Izuku smiles back at me. "Sure," I answered. We both carried to talking together on the way, as well as at the back of the school doing what Mr. Aizawa instructed us to do. Iida and Uraraka joined in our conversation after half of the laps were done, we talked for the rest of the laps before going our separate ways.

I need to solve my problems with the whole dragon hating issue by myself. I also need to figure out why I felt that way last night. I was scared, would that be considered scared? Yeah, of course... my heart was beating very fast so I was scared of him... then again I didn't feel scared at all. No, no, I was scared, no overthinking it, (Y/n)! It

I was scared and I still hate dragons. None of them are nice, he was faking it, that was it. I shouldn't be upset about how upset he looked last night... shit. How did I even get into this mess? I just met him not too long ago, so why do I feel weirdo when I think of him?

I sigh as the last person meets with the rest of us. "Everyone go back to the training room in a single file line!" Iida yells to everyone, chopping the air. The whole class walks back to class, the bell rings once getting there just in time. We all grabbed our stuff and left for our next classes.

The rest of my classes went by painfully slow. I couldn't focus on most of my work with all the thoughts that ran through my head. At the end of the day, I went to my dorm, my body now aching and tired. As soon as I got into my dorm, I set everything down and face planted onto my bed. Falling asleep not long after laying there.

That night I had a nightmare about my mother. She was screaming for help and I couldn't help her, I stayed in a corner from once was my room, crying from fear and trying to block out her screams. But then someone approached me, they looked so familiar. They offered me a hand and I took it, they comforted me, my mother screams now gone. Telling me everything was alright, and I would be safe, no matter what, from now on.

All I could see from him was his arms wrapped around me, and familiar dragon wings wrapped around us as well. I felt so safe with them. Once I closed my eyes and opened them, I was in the dorm room, noticing it was just a dream as I turn off my alarm.

(A/n)- whew! Thank you for reading this far! I'm so happy I'm almost at 1k on this story now!

word count- 1138

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