Leaf Boy

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(Y/n)'s Pov-

It's been a few hours since I left for my studies, 'I'm lost.' I sigh to myself and look around. No one was around and I think there aren't any villages near, I took out my map and I was right, no one is near. After I put my map up I heard rustling above me, soon as I got off my horse someone screamed and I hear a big thud behind me. I turned to see a boy with green hair on the ground, rubbing his head from the fall.

I draw out a dagger in a panic. "Who are you, and why were you watching me from the trees?!" The boy jumped a little at the sudden movement I made, he looked harmless but I can't take any chances. "I- I got lost and I was looking above the trees to find my way to the school of hunters! I wasn't watching you I swear!"

I hesitantly put my dagger away and helped the green-haired boy up. "Are you okay, leaf boy?" He grabs my hand and gets up to wipe any dust he got on himself. "L-leaf boy? Oh, uhm thanks for not killing me..eheh." He looked nervous, I can't blame him I just pulled a dagger out on the poor kid.

"Well, I don't know your name so I called you leaf boy." I smiled at him while I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm I-Izuku Midoriya, N-nice to meet you...uhm?" "(Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you too, Izu!" I could see a light pink on his cheeks while he looked a little shocked.

"I-Izu..?" he said confused. "Oh, sorry! If you don't like me calling you that then I can just call you whatever you want me to call you." He looks to the side of him, he looks a little embarrassed.

"N-no, I like it. Call me Izu." I smile at him and get back on my horse. "Well, Izu, wanna ride with me? I'm kinda lost myself so we can work something out together!" Izu looks up at me still looking nervous as before.

"No, it's okay! I'll find the way myself." I frown at him a little worried about what can happen if I left him. "I don't think you will be safe alone. Plus, I'm going to the same school as you."

Izuku looked at me surprised I was even accepted into the school he was going to. "I know, I know, I'm a girl and I should be helpless, right?" He jumped a little when I said that and panicked. "No, no, no, not-that's- I don't think you're helpless! I-I-" I interrupted him with a laugh, I think Izu and I are going to get along just fine!

"Come on, leaf boy! We need to find someone to point us in the right direction." Izuku hopped on my horse and I sped off to hopefully find a village or someone walking near the trail. Soon enough, we both found a village about 30 minutes away, we got someone to help us with directions. For most of the ride to the school, we both made small talk, learning a little about one another.

"So, how did you get lost?" I shouted so Izu could hear. "My uh- friend ditched me, he wanted to walk alone." I frowned when he said that, it sounds like he doesn't have a really good friend. "So, how about you, (Y/N)?"

I was interrupted from my thoughts and answered, "My stepmother messed with my map, that's my guess. I probably read it wrong multiple times though." An hour or two went by and we made it to the school. It looked nicer than anything another school had to offer. I was dazed by looking at it that I didn't realize Izu was talking to me.

"Hey, (Y/nnnn)..are you okay?" I got out of my daze and panicked a little. "Oh, uh I'm good! This place just looks so amazing!" Izuku gave me a big smile, I could tell he studied about this place.

"I read a lot about this place! They say it's the best hunter school they could offer." 'Called it!' I thought to myself as I smiled back at him as he rambled on about the school. I didn't mind it, though, It was interesting to hear about what the school has to offer.

The bell rang and It was time to gather around outside to see what the trainer has to say about this year. I looked around and saw almost everyone stare and whisper to their friends, looking at me. 'I guess I'm the only female, nerve-racking.' I thought as one of the trainers appeared and everyone went quiet. The first trainer to speak was a guy with black hair, he looked tired for some reason.

"Okay, now that you all got quiet-." he stared daggers at a group that was snickering. "You three, do you want to say something?" The group looked at each other then back at the trainer. "No, sir."

The black-haired man turned back at the other students and started talking again. "As most of you know, this is the best dragon hunting school you will ever go to. So I'd advise you all to not mess around." As he finished saying the last part, he looked at the group that was snickering not too long ago. "We will not be going easy on you, this is going to be a very challenging year for you all."

"At the end of every year, you will be getting better gear and weapons as you progress. I hope to see some of you pass this year. That concludes everything I have to say, so, this school year officially begins....."


As soon as he said that, all the students pile into the school and got to their classes to start training. Izu and I waited for a little till it wasn't as crowded and walked in and found our class. We both were in the same room, and I got to say, the room was bigger than any regular old classroom. This is the beginning of my training. Leaf boy and I agreed to be hunters together.

I can't wait...

(A/N)- Hello! Hope you enjoyed it so far and please think about sharing my stories with someone who might be interested in it. I would love to make my stories known some-what, also if you have anything to suggest to me, let me know! Anywho, cya weirdos later.

word count- 1119

(longest one so far)

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