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The next morning..
Yoongi was walking to school as he heard footsteps pacing behind him. He swivelled around to see Jimin.
"Hey yoongs"
Seeing Jimin again made yoongi feel a weird sensation in the bottom of his stomach after that incident with Lisa which he wanted to ask her about today.

"Wanna go on a date one day.... y'know to got to know each other more" Jimin questioned as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
What the fuck is wrong with guy.
"Listen, I don't like you, I'm not yours and I'm not attracted to you in anyway, your not my type, what even makes you think I would like you." Yoongi tried to let him down as harsh as he could.

Jimin remained silent and that started to scare yoongi.

"Ok fair enough, but I still want you, I want to make you mine, spoil you, give you everything you want, care for you and...." Jimin stopped himself from saying something inappropriate that probably would make yoongi angry.
"I'm sorry but no." Yoongi ran off into the distance as Jimin watched his figure slowly fade away.
"One day Jimin, just one day" Jimin sighed as he talked to himself.
Later on in the day..

The boys were sat in their second period listening to the teacher give them a lecture about being late and doing homework on time as the bell chimed.
Yoongi was the first to exit the room as he had to speak to Lisa about what happened when he stayed over.
He spotted the brunette hairs as he pushed pass making his way to her.
"Hey! Lisa wait."

Lisa hesitated but still turned around knowing who the voice belonged to and why he was looking for her.
"Oh, hey yoongi whats up" her voice trembled as she tried to stay relaxed but terribly failed.
"Based on your reaction I think you know why I'm here"
"Listen, I'm really sorry, I don't know what I was doing I was just jealous because I know Jimin likes you and I really hate him, so I thought this was the best idea to get him out of the picture. I'm not really like this I swea-" she rambled.
"What you did was really fucked up. You took advantage of me whilst I was sleeping just to get someone else to back off from me. Sorry but that isn't normal, there is obviously something wrong in your head to think that was ok to do"
"No, I'm sorry please forgive me"
"Sorry Lisa I really liked you but I think it's best to stay away from each other."
Yoongi ended the conversation with those last few words as he walked away leaving Lisa with her eyes tearing up and a glare of anger.

Jimin was watching from the side with a smirk on his face as he thought that Lisa was finally going to leave him alone.

"I suggest you stay away from him" Jimin sneered as he made his way to his friends for break.
Namjoon's POV
It was finally break and on my way to meet my friends I saw Jin standing by himself. It looked as though he was thinking about something important so I decided not to bother him. I stepped past him as he called my name.
"Hey, namjoon"
I stood still for awhile as i wondered if he was actually speaking to me.
"Hello?" He waved his hand in front of my face.
"Oh hi Jin... do you need something?"
"Yeah let me carry your bag for you" he asked kindly.
I thought he was just being kind so I let him.
2 mins later..
We walked together in complete silence as we reached the Cafeteria.
No ones POV
The students quite down as their attention is now focused on the two.
"Here" Jin said.
The students watched as Jin hands Namjoon his bag.
"Now I don't owe you a favour" Jin chirped and he left Namjoon stood there shocked.
The rest of the day went past quickly.
As now everybody was at home getting ready for bed.
Jin Taehyung and Yoongi were on call to eachother later on in the night.
"Guys I really think they like us" Tae slurred as he drank his 4th shot of vodka.
"I don't, I think they're just doing it to annoy us to be honest" Jin replied.
"Jimin actually likes me, he asked me on a date but I said no" yoongi sighed calmly, but the others shot him a look of shock.
"What the fuck!" they both shouted together.
"Wait do you like him back?" Tae asked.
Yoongi's cheeks tinted pink as he thought about it.
"Omg! My baby finally likes someone" Jin gasped.
"No I don't!" Yoongi shot back.
"Mhm..you'd face says otherwise" Tae smirked.
"I don't I swear.... Fuck you guys"
Yoongi ended the call and fell asleep, leaving the two boys smiling at each other.

To be continued..

Sorry if I took a bit to update this I was thinking about quitting but seeing that people were actually adding to their reading list, commenting and voting for it made me rethink.💜

Hope you enjoyed☺️

School's bad boys |taekook, yoonmin, namjin|Where stories live. Discover now