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To be continued..
The next day the boys went to school an hour earlier than the rest and was on the search for a certain someone by the name of Bambam. They told the other four they just wanted to talk him but they all knew a fight was going to happen, it would either be a group fight or a 3 v 1 which wouldn't be fair at all but they would each want their own time with him. As they kept looking they realised it would be a lot harder since they didn't know what he looked like and thought it was best to ask around.
Hey checked the cafeteria...nope
They'd just about given up till someone walked up to them.
"I heard you guys were looking for Bambam?" The stranger said.
"Yeah we are but who are you?" Namjoon asked. "My names mark, mark tuan nice to meet you, but that's not the point are you the people looking for Bambam?"
"Yeah we are, what's it to you?" Jimin questioned.
"You know your very rude for a nerd, if I were you I'd stay quiet unless you don't want my help but I thought it's best to tell you he knows guys are looking for him and he's in hiding right now." "and why would you help us?", "well from the looks of it, it seems there's something serious going on between you and I wouldn't mind if he got beat down a peg or two after all its what he deserves." mark sneered. "well what did he do to you?" Jungkook questioned letting curiosity get the best of him. "Well not me but my sister, he did something that has probably scarred her for the rest of her life physically and mentally just because she didn't give her body to him." "so where is he?" they all said at the same time. "come here" he pulled Namjoon closer and whispered in his ear knowing Bambam probably had some of his friends watching closely. "outside of school walked down the street till you pass the red house, turn down the alley and you'll see a jet black door. Im also warning you he probably won't be alone in there so go in there in your own risk." Namjoon pulled away and turned to his friends signalling there should go now before school starts. It seems they didn't notice Yoongi, Taehyung and a glaring Jin watching their conversation. They watched as the three left the school around the corner when Jin suddenly spoke up, "guys I'm hungry lets go to the cafe down the road." Tae and Yoongi agreed already knowing that Jin just wanted to see what they were doing and so did they to be honest.
"He said turn down here next and there should be a jet black door, also guys be careful he said there won't be just one person there.", "great, I haven't had a bit of fun in a while" jimin smirked. "well obviously we're supposed to keep this side of our lives secret." Jungkook teased earning a hard slap on his shoulder making him since in slight pain.
"Hey! I thought we agreed no more hitting each other" Jungkook whined. "Yeah yeah.. don't annoy me then."
The three stopped in their path as they noticed the described door was in front of them sort of intimidating.
"Okay guys let's go in and get this over with" namjoon looked at the two before knocking on the door. Someone opened it and they thought it must be one of his friends.
"Huh, what are you nerds doing here? Don't tell me your the ones looking for Bambam. Wow we thought it was so much more serious but I guess not." He laughed. "Well we just wanna talk to him so could you let us in."
"Sure come on in."
They walked in and notice the dark surrounding before they enter a room full with drinks and food.
"Guess who was looking for you, it was these losers" he snickered. "What do you guys want from me" Bambam questioned. "We want you to stay away from what's ours." Jimin asked calmly. "Oh? And what is that", "not that. Who. And by who we mean Taehyung, Jin and Yoongi. Just leave them alone and we have no problems." Namjoon requested. "What will you do huh, I can touch whoever I want and this three happen to be on my list, I mean I'm sure you can see their bodies, especially their asses, anyone would get turned on." He raised a brow waiting for their response. Jimin sighed as he walked up to someone sat on the right of Bambam before smashing his head into the glass table breaking it to pieces then grabbed his arm before bending until a snap was heard making the guy scream in pain. Namjoon and Jungkook watched with a smirk as fear was seen in the others eyes. "Next time it will be your face and limbs. Stay.away.from.what.belongs.to.us." Jimin snapped punching the guys in his face between every word. "Ok now that that's sorted we will be going back to school."
Taehyung, Jin and Yoongi stood at the windowing and watched as everything happened. "Okay, what the actual fuck" Yoongi muttered. "Guys I think this is going a bit too far now. They almost killed someone just for them to stay away from us." Jin whispered, bothered by what was seen. They all nodded looking at each other when they heard the door clattering slowly being pushed opened. Their eyes widened as they bolted away around the corner hoping they weren't seen. "Shit we need to go like quickly." Tae panted. They ran all the way to school jumped over the gates and bursted through the classroom door gaining attention from the student and teacher, who had a displeased stare. "So you guys decide to join us 5 minutes before the lesson ends?" Mr smith raised his brow, waiting for an answer from the boys covered in sweat, hair sticking to their forehead, top button of their shirts undone, breathing irregular. "Sorry sir we had problems at home, it won't happen again." The three bowed their heads as everyone gaped at them as this has never happened and probably won't again. They heard voices from the people they were running from a few moments ago and went to their seats trying to calm down and not seem suspicious.
The 'nerds' walked in and asked to talk to the teacher privately explaining why they came late. "So six people were late to my lesson today, I expected it from those three but not you guys. Don't make it happen again. Jimin made eye contact with yoongi before he broke it and looked away, the same happening with Jin and Namjoon and Jungkook and Tae. They shuffled in their seats uncomfortable as they kept their heads down. Namjoon, jk and Jimin gave each other questioning looks as they all knew they had to talk with the others.
Mark tuan btw🥰

Guys I hope this chapter was good 😌 I wrote a longer one this time to make up for the length of the one before this

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Guys I hope this chapter was good 😌 I wrote a longer one this time to make up for the length of the one before this. Took me a while to write this so don't forget to vote or comment guys😁 I like feedback on how I can make my writing better and more interesting🥺🤍💜

School's bad boys |taekook, yoonmin, namjin|Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum