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(y/n) POV:

I took Rukia and Ichigo upstairs to the room that they were apparently sharing from what I heard from Karin. I walked in before them and patiently waited for them to enter the room so I could close and lock the door. They entered with solemn faces, I'd imagine they were making the same face for different reasons though. Ichigo looked like he was more concerned then anything else, while Rukia seemed curious of what had happened.

(y/n): So I imagine you have questions about me turning into a soul reaper?

Rukia: Yes of course, it's quite rare to have two humans become soul reapers. Ichigo had me which brought the power he had to the surface and mixed it with my own. You on the other hand managed to bring it out completely on your own.

(y/n): I wouldn't say co-

???: Don't tell her yet (y/n)!

(y/n): ahhhhhhh! Tf was that?


(y/n): What?

Ichigo: What are you doing?

(y/n): Neither of you heard that?

Rukia & Ichigo: Heard what?

(y/n): Nothing, must've been my imagination.

???: Good save. But your wrong and please don't scream this time. It's your zanpakuto spirit Tempus.

(y/n): Care to explain why your now a voice in my head that I can talk to?

Tempus: That's a question for another time, for now just  don't tell her about me.

(y/n): Fine but you have some questions to answer later.

Rukia: (y/n)!!!!!!

(y/n): Sorry I just zoned out for a minute there.

Rukia: Anyways as I was saying it's weird that you were able to summon your powers without the help of a soul reaper. That along with the fact that your able to see hollows and spirits.

(y/n): I see. Well I don't think I can become a soul reaper anymore unless my spirit is separated from my body.

Rukia: So my assumption was right! Turning into a soul reaper and using your zanpakuto in your physical body was extremely straining. Which is why once you defeated the hollow you passed out.

Yuzu: Ichigo, Rukia, (y/n) dinner is ready!!

(y/n), Rukia & Ichigo: Cominggggggg!

(y/n): Well it seems that our conversation is over for the night. I'll be leaving to go home after dinner so thank you for your hospitality.

Ichigo: No problem. And remember we don't have school tomorrow because of the gas leak.

(y/n): Gas leak?

Rukia: It's what regular people think the hollow attack was. So until they are sure the air is safe they are taking precautions.

(y/n): I see. Alright well let's not keep Yuzu waiting.

*timeskip to after you returned home*

(y/n): Hey Tempus!

Tempus: Yes partner?

(y/n): I was thinking and I realized that earlier when I used the zanpakuto everything came natural to me, why is that?

Tempus: Well when you get a zanpakuto and it's spirits you would normally have to train to be able to use the zanpakuto even to a basic extent. In your case however since your the only dual-wielding zanpakuto user I know of have a perk so to say. I was able to transfer my basic skill with a sword to you, which allowed for you to use the zanpakuto however briefly. This isn't an ability you will be able to rely on however, if you were to fight an expert swordsman with your skills as they are now you would lose.

(y/n): I see. That actually brings me to the question I wanted to ask. Could you train me with my zanpakuto?

Tempus: I see. Since I can't take a physical form I could only train you in your mindscape. Then the only way yo can really access your mindscape or talk to me is if I want it to happen. So until you can go to your mindscape at will I can't directly train you. With that being said I could force you out of your dreams into the mindscape and train you then. Although the process may be slightly painful and you would n longer experience dreams when I don't train you.

(y/n): So my only options are to either train to unlock my mindscape or let you force me to never dream again.

Tempus: Well there is one other option.

(y/n): Which is?

Tempus: You could seek out a trainer in your world. If you could find a good dojo you would be able to train so that not only are you proficient with your zanpakuto but you could also protect yourself in the case you lose your weapon.

(y/n) So your suggesting I go find a dojo to train at for the time being.

Tempus: Yes it seems like the most obvious answer. You should also invest in finding time to mediate. You may not realize it but this is more important than anything. You need to learn peace of mind and body so you can keep a clear mind and make a good decision in all situations.

(y/n): Tempus what is so important about me meditating?

Tempus: So you remember when you first entered your mindscape there were 3 spirits correct?

(y/n): Yes out of the three you seemed to be the one with the most power. The one in white seemed to be the most sane. While the one that was red and black gave off a sinister strong aura.

Tempus: I see. You are very perceptive partner! While your assumption is mostly right, there are some things that are missing.

(y/n: Such as?

Tempus: The one with the sinister aura is the strongest out of the three of us. While I am a more skilled fighter he beats me in raw power. While the one in white is the best strategist out of us three. While we all inhabit one place inside your mind only one of us is really in control. Even now me and the man in the white rob are fighting Mr. Red to keep him off the controls.

(y/n): How does this have to do with me meditating?

Tempus: You see since the three of us are fighting in your mind you may feel side effects now that you have become aware of us and your powers. With this being said meditating will help calm the storm inside your mind. It will ultimately help you contain and control your spiritual pressure as well. Even though it may not seem like it you have been leaking spiritual pressure since the night you saw Rukia turn Ichigo into a soul reaper. That's why the hollow was so attracted to you earlier today. You give off a strong spiritual pressure. Both you and Ichigo have the spiritual pressure of high ranking soul reapers. If you learn how to control and release your output of spiritual pressure you can use it as a weapon. Whether it be through paralyzing your enemies from fear of your spiritual pressure or making them kneel because they are not strong enough to stand it. Your spiritual pressure can be used as a powerful weapon. 

(y/n): I see. This is a lot of information to process Tempus. But thank you for trusting me enough to tell me about it.

Tempus: Of course partner! With that I will take my leave and allow you to rest. Goodnight partner!

(y/n): Goodnight Tempus.

With that conversation over I drifted off to sleep with thoughts of how I was going to find a place to train at tomorrow.

Author POV:

How will (y/n) deal with his meditation? Will he be able to calm the three spirits inside his body? Who will he encounter at the dojo tomorrow? Find out next time on Bleach!!!!

*Author Note*

Here's one thing I never understood in Bleach. Why didn't they every show us Ichigo being trained to properly use his sword? He just kind of knew how to use it from the get go. Although it is also said that he was a battle prodigy but still. Anyways let me know what you think of the chapter in the comments!!!!

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