Enter Hollows

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(y/n) POV:

This hollow was unlike anything I had ever seen. It had a large hole in it's chest while towering over nearby buildings. It was without a doubt the biggest thing he had ever seen. Instantly I turned around and took off. While I wasn't the most athletic person I had still taken place in some sports and had taken martial arts up until the rank of brown belt. Even then I knew that he was too big of a threat to take on. Where were these soul reapers when you needed them.

All I could do was run and do my best to not get crushed under this things foot. So I turned around and followed the ghost girl running far far away from the hollow. I wonder what everyone else sees? Rukia told me that regular people couldn't see hollows, so why are these people running? Is it the explosions they feel under their feet, or maybe it's the tremors in the ground from when the hollow walks? The reason didn't matter, if Rukia and Ichigo didn't hurry up from wherever they were people were going to get hurt.

Well that wasn't my concern for now, all I had to worry about was making it home alive and making sure that girl was alright. Everyone was running away from the hollow anyways so everything was fine, or at least that's what I thought.

???: James come back to mommy! James this isn't funny we have to get out of here!!

I look back to see a kid standing under the foot of the hollow looking around trying to find his mother. Before I can comprehend what is happening I've turned around and started to run towards him trying to save him from getting crushed. I made it to the boy but I wasn't going to be make it out the way of the hollows foot without being crushed. So I did what I thought was right, I pushed the boy and faced my death with a smile or at least that's what I thought. Right before his foot crushed me everything went black.

Location Unknown

(y/n) POV:

Where am I? When I opened my eyes again I was somewhere different. It was the city I had grown up in. The buildings were all there, but I saw no people. The sky was filled with clouds that were filling the city with rain. As I looked down from my spot on top of this building I noticed that about one third of it was submerged under water. The water level was still steadily rising as well. Not seeing any people I called out.

(y/n): Hello! Hello! Anybody here? Somebody anybody please?

Three people suddenly appeared. All of them were wearing different things, but had one common factor. The first one on my left was in the same black gi that I had seen Rukia and Ichigo in. The only difference was that his had a white cloak over it with no sleeves and a hood. The hood was up shading his face but he had the number 5 on the back of the cloak. The cloaked figure also had two zanpakuto's one on each side of his body. They were on his hips and looked to be beautiful swords.

The next figure was wearing almost covered in shadow. His whole body seemed to be one big mass of black and red shadow. The only defining feature I was able to see was a white mask he had that covered his face. Even then I wasn't sure of the mask because the shadows kept rotating around his body.

The last and most clear figure wasn't as imposing as the other two. He had on a white suit with blue cuffs and a blue tie. He was wearing a light turquoise undershirt as well. Whenever I tried to look above his neck to see his face there was a bright shining light blocking me from seeing it. Out of the three of them he looked the calmest and least dangerous. The one with the shadows was dangerous for sure and he had this killer intent just pouring out of his body. But the 1st guy was definitely the scariest. He had the calmness of the third guy but he also gave  off this overwhelming power that topped the two combined. 

(y/n): Do you know where I am?

White cloak: You are in your mindscape (y/n).

(y/n): My mindscape?

White suit: Your mindscape is the state your mind is in right now (y/n). 

White cloak: The rain shows your sadness and regrets.

White suit: As you can see we are experiencing quite the storm here.

White cloak: Which means that even though you believe that you are fine with the way you died.

White suit: Deep in your heart you know that there was more for you than what you were doing now.

White cloak: So I've decided to give you my power. It's only fitting since you are my master. You won't be able to use it all the way given your current strength. But until then I'll lend you just 10% of my power do you understand.

(y/n): Wait who are you people?

White cloak: I am your zanpakuto. As for the other two. That's none of your concern for right now. Only when  you unlock 80% of my power will those two show their face. With that being said it's time I introduce myself. I am the spirit of your zanpakuto named Tempus subsisto. But you may call me tempo.

(y/n): So does this mean I'm a soul reaper?

Tempo: Among other things yes. As much as I would like to explain everything to you we don't have the time go and show everyone our power partner!

Location Kuroka town 

*five minutes ago*

Ichigo POV:

Rukia: Ichigo you need to hurry up and finish this hollow there's another one in Kuroka town.

Ichigo: Okay! Okay! Quit your whining already!

This was already hard enough and as far as I knew it was one of the smaller ones. How was I supposed to deal with this one and then go take on the one in Kuroka town. Despite it's size it's attacks are still strong but it's also quite slow. So if I go for it's legs first and lower it's mobility I'll be able to take it. Now I just have to wait for the chance.

I waited for the hollow to try and hit me again. Once it swung it's arm at me I vaulted over it and then dashed for it's left leg. I used my momentum to quickly cut through it's leg with my zanpakuto. The hollow let out a mighty cry of pain before I went back and finished the job with an overhead slash cutting it's body in half. 

Rukia: Ichigo let's go we have to get this other hollow!

Author POV:

What will greet Ichigo when he goes to the city? Will he find (y/n) alive or dead? Find out next time on Bleach!!!!!!

Bleach(male reader insert)(updated on Tuesday)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora