Enter New Student

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(y/n) POV:

I woke up in my bed upstairs. I had next to no recollection of what happened yesterday. On the nightstand was a not from my father and mother that said they had to leave early for work. As I got dressed I started to remember what happened last night.  Ichigo and those girls were facing that monster. I wonder if their okay?

Wait why am I worrying, that was just a dream right? A weird vivid dream! There was no way that could of been real. That monster was something out of a children's book, there's no way it was real! Besides I definitely didn't make it upstairs last night, and my dad definitely would have woke me up instead of trying to lift me up and moving me. So the only logical answer was that it was a dream.


I had finally left the house to get to school. Once I got there I went to class and started to look for Ichigo. I had a theory, if that whole thing was real there was no way he could have gotten away without a scratch. After looking for a few minutes I finally spotted him. He seemed to be okay and had no scratches or anything signifying a fight. I decided that I would approach him and just straight out ask about last night.

(y/n): Ichigo!

Ichigo: Yo (y/n)!

(y/n): Ichigo we need to talk.

The moment I said that his face seemed to get more serious. His hand came out of his pockets and went behind his back. He looked nervous, almost as if he was afraid of what I was going to say next.

Ichigo: About what exactly?

(y/n): Did anything happen last nig-!

Before I could finish my question the bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom with a girl behind her. 

(y/n): We will have to finish this conversation later Ichigo.

With that I went back to my seat and started to get a good look at the girl. I assumed she was a new student by how she went to stand by the teacher. The girl was short and petite, has light skin and purple eyes. Her hair is black, with several strands of hair always hanging between her eyes. Come to think of it she looked like the girl from last night in that weird black gi. I could've been mistaken, but I highly doubt it. No matter how much I wanted it to just be a coincidence. The girl looked like she was struggling to walk though. I guess one of them did get injured from yesterday.

Ichigo all but confirmed it when he let out a shout of surprise when he saw her. This was slowly but surely venturing into confirming my suspicions.

Teacher: Okay class we have a new student! Please introduce yourself to the class!

???: Hello class my name is Rukia Kuchiki! 

Teacher: Okay Rukia where would you like to sit?

Rukia: I'll take a seat next to him!

She pointed to an open seat next to Ichigo. This all but confirmed my now living nightmare. All that I had to do now was get a verbal confession from the two.

*10 minute earlier*

Rukia POV:

I had just entered Ichigo's school. I was trying my best to make sure that I would be in the class with Ichigo. I had meant to just give him half of my soul reaper powers. Yet the fool had managed to take nearly all of it. On my way to my class I was trying to figure out what I could do with my now limited spiritual pressure. So far I figured out I could do kido and that was it. Next up was sensing spiritual pressure.

I closed my eyes and slowly breathed in and out before reaching out with my spiritual pressure. Once I did I noticed two things, the spiritual pressure from Ichigo and another unfamiliar pressure. The second spiritual pressure was as high as Ichigo's which was already an unusual case. Yet if felt as if it was being suppressed somehow. As if the person didn't realize how strong they really were. Yet I just assumed that the second spiritual pressure was the soul reaper assigned nearby.

I was waiting outside of class for the teacher to call me in but something was wrong. I could barely stand. When the teacher finally called me in I struggled to make it towards the front of the classroom. As soon as I entered the classroom I nearly collapsed from the two spiritual pressures. One was coming from Ichigo and it seemed to be clashing with the spiritual pressure of a guy standing next to him. They seemed to be having some kind of argument when I walked in which would explain the clashing of their spiritual pressure. How could neither of them feel this immense pressure. It was if two captains were clashing right before my eyes! The clash ended when the boy next to Ichigo returned to his seat. Yet I was still looking between the two of them. I was snapped out of my trance when the teacher asked me to introduce myself.

*present time*

(y/n) POV:

After introducing herself Rukia stumbled into her seat next to Ichigo. I noticed her glancing at me on her way to her seat. I didn't pay it any mind since I assumed that she was just looking around the class to get used to everyone. That was until she I caught at her staring at me throughout class. I wonder if she knew I saw her twice yesterday. She didn't respond to me when I called her on the lampost though so maybe she didn't hear me. 

After a little lecture the teacher said we were free to do what we want for the rest of class. I went over to Ichigo and wanted to finished my questioning. Until I had a better idea,

(y/n): Ichigo I want to talk to you at lunch. Meet me on the roof with Rukia.

Ichigo: Fine. But (y/n) I still don't know what your talking about.

(y/n): We will see Ichigo, we will see. Do you think I didn't catch the look you and Rukia shared when she entered the class?

Ichigo: I don't know what your talking about (y/n).

(y/n): If you say so Ichigo.

After that little brief encounter I decided to head back to my seat to wait until lunch. I had to think about what I wanted to ask him and Rukia.

Author POV:

What will happen during lunch? Will Ichigo admit the truth? Will (y/n) be ready to accept the truth of the situation? Will Rukia be able to figure out why these two humans have such immense spiritual pressure? Find out next time on Bleach!!!!!

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