Soul society pt 2

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(y/n) POV:

 I had went home Friday after the first lesson from me and Tatsuki's new teacher battered and bruised. He had been true to his word and worked with both me and Tatsuki. Which was more than insightful as to what I needed to work on. He also made it clear that I would need to land three consecutive hits on him to move onto weapons, which he made clear I wouldn't be able to do for a long time easily knocking me out when we sparred. It was now Monday and I was heading to school.

Arriving I looked at the gate to see the usual group standing their. Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, Chad and Tatsuki. I considered walking over to at least say hi but that idea was immediately dashed when I saw Uryuu head over there. It didn't look like he said anything or was even acknowledged, but I still wasn't exactly a good enough person to simply ignore him. Ichigo and Rukia seem to have forgiven him for summoning the hollows but I just couldn't find it in myself to do so. Not only had he put innocent people in danger because of his pride, but he had also tried to kill me. 

Which wasn't even the top of my list of worries, my biggest was why hadn't this Soul society that Rukia praised so often sent anyone to help us. Surely if they were supposed to protect the souls of the living and the dead they would have a squad watching the human world right? It just didn't make sense, especially when you factor in the fact that the only Soul reaper I had seen besides me and Ichigo was Rukia before any of this started. Were their really no soul reapers in this world?

During my internal monologue I had walked past the group and through the school gates. Sighing softly to myself I continued on my way to class, putting in my headphones since I knew I would be in the class early. Heading to a seat in the back of the class I sat before putting my head down, hoping to drown out the world before class started. Closing my eyes I could feel myself going deeper and deeper into my own head. The music started to drown out and instead I heard the sway of bells from the wind. Opening  my eyes I saw that I was in my mindscape again.

Looking around I noticed that it had changed slightly since the last time I was in here. The buildings had grown darker taking on an almost midnight shade. The skies had went from their usual tranquil blue to a bloodred color. The clouds were nonexistent and the moon cast an eerie glow on everything. Turning around I was met with the piercing gaze of Tempus who looked more serious than I had ever seen him before. " It's been a while partner." He said to me with his arms crossed under his chest. 

Ichigo POV:

Me and Rukia noticed that (y/n) had walked past us instead of joining our group like he usually did. Rukia noticed and started raising her arm to call out to him but I quickly reached my arm out to stop her. She looked to me confused as to why I had stopped her. In response all I did was shake my hand and let go of her arm. She looked down at the ground in what I could only guess what remorse. The other night,  after Rukia had slapped (y/n) and he went inside she had went silent. 

Uryuu had said goodbye to the both of us and went home to nurse his wounds, while me and Rukia headed around the corner to go home. I kept my eye on her the whole time we walked home, normally she was talking my ear off about something. Rather it be the soul society, school, or just life in general she was never truly speechless. So to see her like that only cemented my thoughts that what (y/n) had said truly had gotten her thinking. When he mentioned how the soul society hadn't sent any soul reapers to help with the hollows her eyes had widened showing her newfound realization. 

After we had gotten back home to the clinic, she had went upstairs and to her cubby in my closet without saying anything. It had stayed like that until today and even then the only time she really spoke was to say a quick greeting before heading out to school. She hadn't really talked in the group that we were currently in but, luckily for her no one else had seemed to notice her silence. Before I could say anything to her the bell had went off making us pick up our stuff and head to class.

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