Enter More Questions Than Answers

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(y/n) POV:

The world was dark. I was floating in a black abyss of nothingness. I closed my eyes and opened them again to see myself back in my mindscape. Standing on the same building we met last time was my zanpakuto Tempus Subsisto. The other two weren't with him which was strangely comforting. Even though I knew he was more powerful than the other two entities I also knew he was the most logical and calm.

Tempus: Your probably wondering why your here right?

(y/n): Among other things yes.

Tempus: I'll answer your other questions first since the last one is a lengthy explanation.

(y/n): Okay 1st question, where are the other two people?

Tempus: The two you saw on your last visit here won't appear often. The one in the white suit will only appear once he thinks your ready to use his power. The other one who appeared to be more of a floating mass than anything won't appear unless your life is in danger. Don't get that wrong, he won't appear every time your life is in danger. He will only appear once he senses that you have a strong desire that requires his power.

(y/n): I see onto the second question where is my physical body?

Tempus: Your physical body is with Ichigo and Rukia being taken to the Kurosaki clinic.

(y/n): And that brings me to my last question, why did I pass out after using my soul reaper powers?

Tempus: Good you asked the question yourself. This was the longer explanation I wanted to talk to you about. You see when Ichigo got his soul reapers it was from the desire to protect, like you had the desire to protect the child who was in front of you. Except the power didn't come from his zanpakuto or his inner world. Ichigo's power comes from Rukia, that's why you saw her stab him with her zanpakuto. She transferred her soul reaper powers to Ichigo, therefore taking away her own powers and giving them to him. Do you understand what I've said so far?

(y/n): So what your saying is that Rukia gave Ichigo her soul reaper powers and lost hers?

Tempus: Yes exactly, and that is how Ichigo was able to become a soul reaper. Now with that being said his power isn't truly his.

(y/n): What do you mean?

Tempus: (y/n) I am your zanpakuto spirit. You are able to talk to me whenever I believe it's necessary for us to talk. That is a requirement for any soul reaper who wants to get stronger. You see Ichigo's current zanpakuto is fake. If he was to clash with you for example or any other soul reaper who has talked to their zanpakuto and has a spiritual pressure higher than his can break his zanpakuto. Because he has yet to talk to his zanpakuto he is weak compared to you or a high ranking soul reaper.

(y/n): So because he hasn't went to his inner world he hasn't unlocked his true power?

Tempus: Correct. Now onto the reason you passed out after using your soul reaper powers. Soul reaper powers are more than the human body can handle. That being said it is necessary for a soul reaper to be a spirit or in spirit form when using his soul reaper powers. That is not a problem for soul reapers because they are already born a spirit or have died and become a soul reaper. While you and Ichigo are special cases, Ichigo had Rukia to help him unlock his spirit form. You on the other hand had no handouts, or soul reaper to give you power or make you a spirit. So in essence it is because you used your soul reaper powers while still in a physical body which put a tax on your body which ended up knocking you out. Luckily for you the hollow wasn't prepared and you were able to take him out without Ichigo's help. But don't think that this will be a routine thing that you will be able to do. You were only able to do this because me along with the other two were reinforcing your body and limiting your power.

(y/n): I understand all that and I'm thankful for your help. But if Ichigo got his soul reaper powers from Rukia, where did mine come from? How do I have soul reaper powers?

Tempus: That's not something I can answer partner.

(y/n): What do you mean that's something you can't answer? Is it that you can't answer it or you won't Tempus!

Tempus: Your right of course partner, it's that I won't. Now I suggest you prepare yourself because your about to wake up.

(y/n): Fine, but this conversation isn't over Tempus.

Kurosaki clinic

(y/n) POV:

I opened my eyes to find myself in a small room with a bed in what I assume in the Kurosaki household. I sat up and started stretching to see if there was still any leftover discomfort from using my powers without a spiritual body. Once I was certain there was no problem I got up and left the room to start the search for Ichigo and Rukia. I went into the hallway and heard the sound of laughter coming from down the stairwell on my right. Figuring this was a good as place as any to start my search I went down the steps to be met with a weird sight. Ichigo seemed to be stuck in a wrestling match with his father, while Rukia and who I assumed to be his sisters stood to the side uninterested. As much fun as it would have been to watch them sit and fight it out, I thought it was better that I make my presence known.

(y/n): Hello?

Rukia: Oh, (y/n) your awake!

Ichigo: Hmm, oh hey (y/n)!

Ichigo's dad: Are you going to introduce us to your friend here Ichigo?

Ichigo: Shut it old man, I was getting to that part! Anyways (y/n) this one here is my father Isshin!

Isshin: Yo!

Isshin was a tall, muscular man with spiky black hair and brown eyes. He has thin facial hair around his mouth and on his cheeks.

Ichigo: This one with the black hair is my sister Karin.

Karin: Sup'!

Karin had dark grey eyes and black hair that is straight and cropped to hang around her face, just above her shoulders. Her eyes are large and dark. 

Ichigo: And her twin Yuzu.

Yuzu: It's very nice to meet you (y/n)!

Yuzu has short light blonde hair, with short bangs hanging over the right side of her forehead. She also wears a red hair clip on the left side of her head. Her eyes were a dark brown.

(y/n): I see, it's very nice meeting you all! Thank you for letting me rest here!

Isshin: It was no problem, a friend of Ichigo is a friend of the family!

(y/n): I see! Can I borrow Ichigo and Rukia for a moment please?

Isshin: Sure you can talk in his room while we make dinner!

(y/n): Thank you!

Author POV:

What's going to happen next? Will Ichigo and (y/n) take up responsibilities as soul reapers? Will Rukia help (y/n) manifest his spirit? Find out next time on Bleach!!!!!

*A/n note*: So there's two ways I can go from here. I can go straight to the fight against the Menos Grande with Uryuu, or I can make delve into some original events where the reader meets and becomes friends with the gang! So please comment on which path you would prefer I take! Please and thank you!!

Bleach(male reader insert)(updated on Tuesday)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant