Enter Karakura High

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((y/n) POV:

I finally made it to school. It was a nice moderately sized school. A lot of windows though. I had to go to the office first to see what class I would be put in. On my way to the office, my mind was preoccupied with the events from this morning.


I'm still looking at this shimmering ghost-like girl. She hasn't moved from the spot and still looks as though she's waiting for someone. All of a sudden she turns around and waves in my direction. Me being the nervous person that I am immediately ducked out of sight and looked around to see who she was waving at. After looking around I realized that there was only one person she could be waving to, me! Throwing caution to the wind, I come out of my hiding spot and wave back. The girl gives a small smile at my gesture and then motions for me to come over. 

Mysterious girl: Hi!

(y/n): Um hello? 

Mysterious girl: Are you okay? You seem like you've seen a ghost?

(y/n): Not to be rude, but what are you? You don't look like a normal girl. You have this shimmering image and no one seems to notice you but me.

Mysterious girl: That's because I'm a spirit silly! Your only the second boy I know that has been able to see me! The first is another high schooler about your height with orange hair and brown eyes. His name is Ic....

(y/n): Wait a second you're a spirit?!?!? I have to tell my dad right now, there's no way he won't believe me now that you're here. *pulls out phone but sees time* Damn it!!!! I have to go I can't be late for school. I'll talk to you after school okay? Bye!!!!

Mysterious girl: Bye!!! Make sure to come and visit later!!

*Flashback end*

 Come to think of it what was the name of that boy she was talking about? She didn't tell me her name either. Weird, well she did say he normally wore a high school uniform. So maybe he goes to school here with me. Even if he does I have to remember dad's words and stay away.*

small timeskip after getting your class schedule*

(y/n): Classroom 1A huh? Wonder where that is?

I then noticed a group of teens who looked around my age talking in the hallways. There were 2 girls and 3 boys. The first girl had brown eyes and long, waist-length, burnt orange hair with two blue pins on both sides. The second girl was of average height with black hair and brown eyes. The tallest boy had orange hair and brown eyes. The one next to him was fairly tall with medium-long brown hair, which flips outward and brown eyes. The shortest boy on his phone had short black hair and green eyes, parted down the middle with a stray bang in his face and the tips fanning out. Even though I hate the feeling of needing help, I swallowed my pride and walked over there.

Ichigo POV:

I had arrived at the school shortly after that dude I saw speaking to the ghost on the street earlier today. Unfortunately, when I entered the school he was nowhere to be found. My friends Keigo, Orihime, Mazuri, and Tatsuki walked up to me immediately and we soon jumped into a conversation. We talked about the usual things such as what everyone did over the summer and things like that. Then a few minutes until class started the boy from earlier came up to us.

???: Hey excuse me would you guys happen to know where class 1-a is?

Ichigo: Yeah, actually that's our class. So on our way there, you can just follow us.

???: Thanks.

After that he just kind of moved to the background. It didn't seem like he wanted to be around people. Unfortunately for him, I think Orihime took it as that he was left out. So she called him over and started to introduce us.

Orihime: Hey excuse me, I never did get your name!

(y/n): I apologize, my name is (y/n)(l/n) and I just moved into the house across from that clinic.

Orihime: I see. My name is Orihime. The tall one is Ichigo.

 Ichigo: Yo!

Orihime: The one beside him is Keigo.

 Keigo: Hey!

Orihime: The short one is Mizuiro.

Mizuiro: Pleasure to meet you!

Orihime: Then the girl next to me is Tatsuki.

Tatsuki: How ya doing!

Ichigo: That clinic you mentioned is probably my family's. Me and my family run the clinic and have a house next to it.

 (y/n): I see, looks like we're neighbors! It was nice meeting you all but the bells about to ring so could you lead me to class?

As much as I wanted to ask him about this morning I knew I couldn't. At least not in front of my friends, they would think I'm a crazy person. There was something different about him for sure though. The smile he put on looked fake like he wasn't as excited or happy as he wanted you to think. But, I didn't know him well enough to say anything so I left it be. With the introductions done it was time to head to class.

(y/n) POV:

After they had introduced themselves they started to walk me to class. On my way there I took a closer look at Ichigo. He matched the description the girl had given me almost perfectly and his name started with the same pronunciation the girl said. With their eyes off me, I dropped the smile, I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be back home in America where I belonged. Where I could joke around with my best friends and not worry about what happened next. I missed those days. Even if it was recent it felt so far away in the past. Like I may never see them again. I can't say I was ready to open up to these people yet, so I'll be cautious like my dad said. If only I wasn't involved in that 'incident' in America.

Author POV:

What happened in America? Who were these friends from then? Will (y/n) allows his mysterious past to stop himself from making friends with Ichigo and his classmates? Find out next time on Bleach!!!

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