Welcome to Haven

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*(Y/N) POV*

Two days have passed since... well... what I can call an eventful night in Mistral. I didn't know... Eh, Petals for sure still have many surprises for me and for sure I have to talk with Blake about her 'books' when we see her again. Thankfully no one heard us

Qrow got out of the hospital a day after. Mako's dad said he can go back to work the next day and so, here we are. As Qrow and Mako are guiding us towards Haven Academy. We are currently in a tunnel

Qrow: "The city of Mistral"

Nora: "Ugh, it's about time! Whose idea was it to walk again?"

(Y/N): "Be glad that we made it alive, after all this crap we went through to get here"

Ren: "Broken airships, destroyed settlements"

Jaune: "Oh, and you know, all those people and monsters that tried to murder us"

Mako: "I see you got an eventful journey. I didn't know that (Y/N) would bring you all with him"

(Y/N): "Actually, it was Ruby's idea to get here, not mine. I wanted to go alone. But as you can see, we are all safe and sound"

Ruby: "Pff, yeah. Only one of us almost died" We give Qrow a look

Qrow: "Hey"

(Y/N): "Be glad, Qrow, that Mako gave me some first aid lessons back in Beacon. Otherwise you may not survived"

Qrow: "It wasn't that bad, matchstick"

(Y/N): "You were talking to my mom and Ruby's dad... Yeah, right 'wasn't that bad' my ass, old man"

Qrow: "Hey"

Mako: "Well, doesn't matter anymore. You all made it here and so we can move on to the next step"

(Y/N): "Talking to the headmaster of Haven"

Jaune: "Speaking of Haven Academy, how much further?"

Qrow: "Almost there, but I and coconut here figured we'd take you kids on the scenic route"

Mako: "You will see why, right now"

We reach a large pair of wooden double doors. Qrow and Mako open them up, allowing light to enter the tunnel. Ruby runs ahead of us, stooping by the railing

Ruby: "Wow!" We get near her "This... is... awesome!"

Qrow: "It's certainly something"

(Y/N): "Hasn't changed since the last time I've been here. I just wonder if grandma is home..."

'Nah, she would beat me for "slacking in training" or say "how I never paid attention". I guess I will pass for now'

Mako: "You grandma lives here?"

(Y/N): "Mostly, but she likes to travel a lot so, I assume she is not home"

Ruby: "*gasp* Oh my gosh! Cookie! Look at all the weapons!" at the mention of weapons I made my way to her

(Y/N): "Nice. Petals! Look! A knife pistol!" I point to a guy holding said weapon

Ruby: "It's so awesome! (Y/N)! This guy has a cutlass bow!" she points to a guy with it

(Y/N): "What?! How is that even possible?!"

Ruby: "I don't know but I want to see it!"

(Y/N): "Me too!"

Mako: "Nerds..." he said under his nose

Qrow: "Easy there kids. Vendors here will sell you just about anything, whether they should or not"

Continuing the Legacy (RWBY x Male Reader, Ruby x Reader)[On Hiatus until Vol10]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن