Returns and Reunions

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*Above Lake Matsu, Sam POV*

Me and Weiss are still sitting in the cargo bay, watching the view outside the window, that's until we pass the cliff and see a series of landmasses floating in the bright blue, partly cloudy sky, with black Dust crystals jutting out from the bottom of the rock formations. I'm stunned by the display, and so is Weiss. She stands up and heads towards the cockpit with me in tow

Weiss: "Where are we?" Pilot shakes his head

Pilot: "Nowhere good. Passing by some of Lake Matsu's floating islands. The gravity Dust that forms in these things is giving us a little turbulence. Nothing I can't handle, but the islands sometimes hide some nasty Grimm. I'm just betting on our friends in distress keeping them preoccupied"

Sam: "That's not exactly good to hear..." I then noticed a burning Mistralian ship coming our way "Incoming!"

The airship comes barreling from their right, narrowly hitting their cargo ship and forcing the pilot to pull upward to avoid it. The doomed craft proceeds to collide into one of the floating islands

Sam: "That must be one of the airships that was in trouble, and that means..." I trailed off, as we looked to the side. Pilot turns the radio back on to listen

???: "By the gods, we've lost Percy! Help!" a female pilot screams

We look to see another Mistralian airship, being pursued and attacked by... Lancer, is suddenly hooked from multiple directions by their extendable stingers, which leaves them trapped and unable to move in mid-air

???: "We're hooked! We're hooked! Everyone, abandon ship!"

After Lancers destroy that ship, they turned their attention to us

Sam: "Oh for fuck sake..."

Pilot: "Lancers. It had to be freaking Lancers. Alright, listen up-" he turns around to see me and Weiss jumping down the cargo bay "What are you two doing?!"

Weiss: "What we should've done in the first place. You're carrying Dust, right?" Weiss takes out her Myrtenaster while I get Bakuzan out of its sheet.

Pilot: "Officially, no. Actually, yes" Weiss opens up one of the containers in the cargo hold to find loads of Dust vials within, and uses them to load up her rapier on Dust.

Sam: "When we give you a sign, open up the cargo door!"

Pilot: "You'd better make it quick then!"

The ship starts to make some evasive maneuvers when the Lancers get closer and start firing off their stingers. The pilot manages to evade them, but they are only getting closer. Weiss then creates a black glyph to keep herself while I get some vines around my legs, keeping me steady. After that we ready our weapons

Sam: "Do it!"

The pilot opens up the cargo doors and Weiss creates an ice shard, firing it to take out one of the Lancers. One Lancer fires off its stinger straight at them, but I cut it off with Bakuzan. Weiss then switches to her fire Dust and fires off several fire balls, taking out a few more Grimm

Pilot: "Haha! Hold on!"

The airship makes a sharp turn near a large land mass, with the Lancers following close by. Weiss Weiss creates a set of smaller glyphs and fires off a few ice shards to take out four more Lancers. Meanwhile I shot thorny vines at Grimm, tying their wings and making them fall to the lake.

Sam: "Weiss, create an ice glyph!" She nods, after that I shoot a vine through it and it turns into a massive ice lance, impaling two Lancers "(Y/N) and Ruby have their Fire Rose, we have Ice Vines" I smile at her, and she returns the gesture. That's until we feel the ship shaking

Continuing the Legacy (RWBY x Male Reader, Ruby x Reader)[On Hiatus until Vol10]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat