No Safe Haven (Vol 4 Finale)

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*3rd POV, Atlas, (L/N) Household*

Elly was sitting in her office, getting last finishing touches for her new project for Ironwood

Elly: "I swear, James is getting more and more paranoid after what happened in Vale. *sigh* I just hope my baby boy is alright"

Then a phone rang

Elly: "Good thing these old lines are still working..." She answered the phone: "Dr. Elizabeth (L/N), how can I help you?... Yhm... so you got her back... yhm... yhm... I will see what I can do, if the core is still... oh so it is. That's great to hear. I will try to help you... No, it wouldn't be a problem. You did enough for this family and I owe you for checking mom's eyes every once in a while. See you soon"

She later get to her computer and opens one blueprint

Elly: "It's time to bring you back... Penny" as she looked at Penny's blueprints with hand on her chin

*(Y/N) POV*

After making a makeshift stretcher, we get Qrow on it as me and Jaune are carrying him. Currently we're on some swamps. Ruby is next to Qrow as she was checking on him

Ruby: "Just hold on, Uncle Qrow" as we walk we can hear Qrow grunting in pain

Qrow: "Tai. She's not... coming... *grunt* Tai" as he later coughs again

(Y/N): "Shit..."

Qrow: "I'm sorry... Elly I'm *grunt* so sorry..."

Jaune: "He's getting worse"

Ruby: "How much farther?"

Nora: "We've gotta be close"

(Y/N): "We need to. If we don't find anything, doctor or even pharmacy, he will not make it..."

Ren: "Without the map, there's no way of knowing. But I feel like we're close to something" Ren and I spotted a sign, as he went to check it out

Ruby: "What is it?" Nora runs after Ren

Nora: "Hey, hey! Mistral! We're on the right path! Oh..."

Ruby: "Does it say how close?!"

Ren: "No. And it looks like the path takes us up through the mountains" Me and Jaune put Qrow on the floor as Jaune looks at the stretcher

Jaune: "Guys, I don't know if all of us can make that climb"

(Y/N): " Agreed" Ruby looks back at Qrow and then runs to Nora and Ren

Ruby: "Okay. Well, what about this place? Kuro... Kuroyuri Can we get help there?" Me and Jaune get to them

Ren: "That village was destroyed years ago"

Jaune: "But it if takes us around the mountains, it's the best bet we've got"

Ren: "It will take too long"

Ruby: "The town would have had a doctor, right? Maybe we can scavenge for medicine!"

(Y/N): "Medicine, bandages, rubbing alcohol. Anything we can use" I look back at Qrow "Especially for Qrow. I used last bandage from our first aid kit long ago"

Ren: "We're not going to find anything! We just have to press on!" he got more emotional than usual, which shocked us. As Ruby was clutching her hands over her chest, me and Jaune step in front of Ren

(Y/N): "What got into you?"

Jaune: "Ren, why are you acting-"

Nora: "We can split up"

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