All That Jazz

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Danny looked over at the door, where his older sister stood in utter disbelief.

"Oh- uh...hey Jazz..." He managed, trying in vain to hide the mess that the Box Ghost had left the kitchen in.

"Danny, seriously?! I leave for an hour and come back to this? Mom and dad are gonna freak when they see it!" Jazz shouted at him.

Dipper leant over to look at Jazz, recognising her from the online forums but struggling to speak to her, his mouth hanging open slightly.

"Why's there some random kid here?" Jasmine questioned as she walked over to the fridge to grab herself a drink, "Are they a ghost? Did you bring them here from the Ghost Zone?"

Danny exhaled and stood upright, eyeing Dipper's face to see if he'd picked up on that remark. To 16-year-old's relief, Dipper was too busy gawking at Jazz to be paying attention to her words.

"This is the intern, Jazz." Danny replied.

Jazz raised an eyebrow and smirked, "HE'S the intern? I know dad said that they were young but I didn't expect a literal kid. What's your name?"

Pines suddenly snapped back to reality, realising that her teal eyes were now focused on him. She was clearly talking to him but he'd missed every word she'd said.

"S-sorry, what did you say?" He stammered awkwardly in response.

Jazz sat down opposite him and repeated herself clearly, "I said, what's your name?"

"Umm...Ma- Dipper. Dipper Pines."

"Interesting name."

"It's a nickname, I got it from my birthmark." Pines smiled.

"Ah, nicknames are overrated anyways. Sometimes you can get stuck with stupid names, especially at school." chuckled Jazz as an answer, readjusting her Alice band.

"Oh, I like it. I never liked my birth name much. My parents always call me it, but I don't like it too much. Dipper feels much better to me."

"Duly noted. Dipper it is." Jazz grinned warmly and stood up, "Welcome to FentonWorks, Dipper."

Danny snickered as his sister got up and left, "Guess you like redheads then Dipper?" he jokingly remarked.

Dipper's pale complexion flushed a glowing shade of Crimson with embarrassment. He looked at the table and stammered awkwardly, "I-I-I d-don't h-have a t-t-thing for r-redheads!"

Danny chuckled playfully as he leant over and laughed, "I'm only joking!"

Dipper breathed a sigh of relief, still blushing intensely.

Fenton smirked before he stood up and left the room to go and speak with his sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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