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Dipper paused as he opened his mouth. He looked over towards Danny, who looked a little bewildered.

"What's going on? He questioned.

Fenton didn't answer, instead just staring around the room. His ocean blue eyes wandered the kitchen, filled with panic.

"Danny?" Dipper pushed for a response, "Hello?"

Seemingly out of nowhere, a rotund warehouse worker appeared, flying through the air with his arms flailing around wildly. He motioned to the cupboards, a series of containers rushed around, floating all around him. He opened his mouth and announced loudly, "IT IS I, THE BOX GHOST! BEWARE MY SIX SIDED CONTAINERS OF DOOM!"

Pines noticed that Danny's panic rapidly turned to a look of frustration. He rolled his azure eyes. Without thinking, Dipper pulled out the journal and flicked through its pages until he happened upon the spirit classifications. He saw that Danny had since picked up a device and was fiddling with the lid. The Fenton Thermos! He recognised it immediately, casting the journal aside and pushing past Danny to pull the lid off and activate the device.

Danny looked shocked as Dipper successfully captured the intruding spirit in the thermos.

"How did you do that so fast and how did you know how the thermos worked?" He asked.

Dipper gave a smug grin, pleased with his capture, "Oh, I read about it on Casper High Haunts. Your friend wrote this really long article about it, how it worked, what it did.etc, really cool read."

"I gotta have a word with Tucker..." Fentom murmured under his breath before turning his attention back to the triumphant looking 14-year-old, "What was with the book?"

"Pfft...I dunno what you're talking about." Dipper replied nonchalantly.

The 16-year-old looked totally dumbfounded. He continued to try and press information out of Dipper.

The confrontation continued, neither boy willing to yield. The tension was only disrupted by the sound of keys in the door. Slowly the handle turned and the front door opened, someone entering. They placed what sounded like a heavy work bag down and made their way to the kitchen.

As soon as they appeared in the doorframe, Dipper momentarily forgot about his argument with Danny over journal, distracted by yet another beautiful red head.

She looked mildly annoyed, wearing a sky blue shirt, a pair of smart black work trousers, a black Alice band and a pair of black kitten heels. She had long rust orange hair that was tied back into a low hanging ponytail. This was accompanied by a pair of gentle teal eyes.

"Danny," She spoke with authority, "What's going on here?"

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