Meeting The Intern

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A sudden knock at the door startled Danny slightly. He had only just arrived back from his afternoon of fun with Sam and Tucker, he'd barely been able to make himself a sandwich before the knock. Fenton groaned slightly as he noted that if it was the new summer intern, they were very early.
Danny approached the door and relaxed his tensed up muscles as he placed a hand on the handle.

"Hello?" A slightly cracked voice rang out.

Outside the door stood a quaking young teen with chocolate brown eyes, dark brown hair, a rustic looking trucker hat and a flannel shirt. He had a large rucksack lugged over his shoulder. Danny almost choked with laughter. Was this actually the intern? He was nothing but a mere child! Not some big shot ghost hunter like he'd been described.

"'re here for the internship? Or for directions?" Danny replied snarkily.

The kid suddenly shrugged his bag off on the porch and thrust his hand out at him shakily, "Yes! To the first part. I'm Mason James Pines but please just call me Dipper! I'm here to help with the laboratory work."

Danny slowly took the kid's hand and shook it. He couldn't help but stifle a grin at the teen's awkward enthusiasm, "Danny. Danny Fenton. Welcome in."

He stepped to one side and allowed Dipper to grab his bag and walk in through the door. Pines' face immediately took on a joyous expression, "I can't believe I'm actually here! I read about this place on forums and message boards, never thought I'd make it though! You're so lucky to live here."

"'d be surprised how rapidly this place drives you crazy." Danny replied nonchalantly, "So, my dad tells me you're a ghost hunter? Most previous interns haven't been so...young."

"Well, more of a hobbyist ghost hunter. I worked closely with my great uncle to help keep the town under control. I'd like to do it full time but to be honest I'm more of a do it for fun kinda guy. What about you?"

"Heh, so you're for real, huh? Well I try it every now and again." Danny replied, lying through his teeth. Luckily, little Mr. Intuitive hadn't picked anything up yet.

As Danny paced towards the kitchen, he felt his hand pass through the table, freaking him out a bit. He exhaled again and calmed down to focus on keeping himself tangible and out of trouble.

"Hey, um, Dipper...follow me I'll lead you to the room you'll be staying in. Let me know if you need any help with your bags. My parents should be back from their convention later this evening and my sister will be back before that. If you need me I'll be upstairs, first door on your left." The halfa smiled and beckoned Dipper to follow him.

"Oh I'm fine thank you," Dipper looked up from the photos he'd been inspecting and followed Danny to a small dingy room full of random book piles. A single bed occupied the far corner as well as a desk with an old box computer on it and a wardrobe. A pair of tatty plaid curtains hung over the single window. Dipper gleefully skimmed his finger over the dusty books, "This room is awesome!"

"You'd be the first to say that honestly." Danny commented as Pines began to inspect the old PC, "Well, nice to meet you, Dipper. I'll leave you to unpack and settle in."

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